“White supremacy” is a boogeyman phrase because most people accused of it don’t know its definition, and don’t think the reason white people should have their own nations is because their people are supreme. We deserve our own nations just for being ourselves, regardless of whether we’re supreme. It would be strange to go to Burundi and tell the natives that if they don’t outscore foreigners by a large enough margin on IQ tests or technological assessments then the natives of Burundi don’t deserve to live and work in their own country and should be replaced by the foreigners. Even though race replacement would be an objective improvement to Burundi, it would still be an awful thing to do to those native people and their culture. In the H1B situation, it shouldn’t matter if some individual foreigners are supposedly competent. They’re not us, so they shouldn’t be invading the culture developed by our people.
White people took up the beliefs and practices of Christianity the most readily of all of the races, even though they were geographically farther from the works of Jesus than many other people. White people and especially white North Americans or just white Americans have done the most to spread Christianity around the world, including to people of many different races and to people whose ancestors may have rejected the Gospel previously. This drives Satan crazy, so Satan inspired vicious people to attack Christianity and to try to slow its spread by attacking white people. All of the anti-white crap you see is dressed up anti-Christianity.
H1B is another attack on Christianity, dressed up as a plea for competence. We can afford religious freedom to the Americans who have already been here and whose ancestors fought the British (softening the British Empire to lose other colonies such as India), worked the land, stimulated the economy, built the infrastructure, paid the taxes, and contributed to American culture. We have no duty to import non compatible cultures or individuals who refuse to live by the Golden Rule. It doesn’t matter how well or cheaply some heathen codes, he isn’t us and he doesn’t belong here.
“White supremacy” is a boogeyman phrase because most people accused of it don’t know its definition, and don’t think the reason white people should have their own nations is because their people are supreme. We deserve our own nations just for being ourselves, regardless of whether we’re supreme. It would be strange to go to Burundi and tell the natives that if they don’t outscore foreigners by a large enough margin on IQ tests or technological assessments then the natives of Burundi don’t deserve to live and work in their own country and should be replaced by the foreigners. Even though race replacement would be an objective improvement to Burundi, it would still be an awful thing to do to those native people and their culture. In the H1B situation, it shouldn’t matter if some individual foreigners are supposedly competent. They’re not us, so they shouldn’t be invading the culture developed by our people.
White people took up the beliefs and practices of Christianity the most readily of all of the races, even though they were geographically farther from the works of Jesus than many other people. White people and especially white North Americans or just white Americans have done the most to spread Christianity around the world, including to people of many different races and to people whose ancestors may have rejected the Gospel previously. This drives Satan crazy, so Satan inspired vicious people to attack Christianity and to try to slow its spread by attacking white people. All of the anti-white crap you see is dressed up anti-Christianity.
H1B is another attack on Christianity, dressed up as a plea for competence. We can afford religious freedom to the Americans who have already been here and whose ancestors fought the British (softening the British Empire to lose other colonies such as India), worked the land, stimulated the economy, built the infrastructure, paid the taxes, and contributed to American culture. We have no duty to import non compatible cultures or individuals who refuse to live by the Golden Rule. It doesn’t matter how well or cheaply some heathen codes, he isn’t us and he doesn’t belong here.