When you say migrants, do you mean a certain race though?
I just want to try and understand from your point of view, not arguing.
Because I remember Project Paperclip, they brought in all these smart people from Germany eventhough they were Nazis. And you said "ancestors" but Trump's mom came here on a visa too and was working as a maid. Melania came on Visa as well.
You said you don't want any migrants into the country, that's painting a very broad brush over an issue. Also I have a Filipino friend who came here to be a nurse because there was a big shortage on nurses in America (not many like the hours and stressful dirty job) so she and her Filipino friends came and worked at the nursing homes. I'm in the middle with this issue but I also understand that we should train Americans and make college much much more affordable and less indoctrination by lefty professors so they can do the job instead of helping foreigners.
It happens periodically. The U.S goes through periods where the ‘Natives’ IE everyone who is poor and middle class here before (Insert Year)
Relentlessly attack, harass and bully immigrants. Even if they came from the same area in a prior wave of immigration. Viewing them as a perceived threat to their jobs and livelihoods.
The group then ‘Americanizes’ IE is absorbed into the wider cultural fabric. And the harassment fades.
We’ve gone through this cycle since the Country was founded. Irish, Germans, Welsh, Scottish, Italian, Polish, French, Spanish etc.
And we’ve been well overdue for another resurgence of this kind of rhetoric.
We’ve also gone after each other over religion in cycles as well. Mostly just rehashing Catholic and Protestant Grievances that were old even before the U.S was settled.
In some parts of the country the KKK spent almost as much time harassing White Catholics and did Black People.
It took till WW2 and fighting and dying alongside each other before Protestants and Catholics here finally began to bury the hatchet. Even then it wasn’t completely buried. As tensions flared again with the election of Kennedy.
But at the moment in modern day the biggest threat to either group from each other. Is mostly Juvenile arguments online, spouting Bible Verses at each other, and quoting Saints.
About the only group that routinely has disliked and mistreated everyone else in the Country since the founding. Regardless of their origin and religion. Has been the Uber wealthy. Hell. They don’t even like each other half the time.
Just to be clear I’m not talking run of the Mill Millionaire with a McMansion and a vacation house on a lake.
But the real old school old money families. That pay to obscure their real Networths or keep themselves out of the public eye period.
When you say migrants, do you mean a certain race though?
I just want to try and understand from your point of view, not arguing.
Because I remember Project Paperclip, they brought in all these smart people from Germany eventhough they were Nazis. And you said "ancestors" but Trump's mom came here on a visa too and was working as a maid. Melania came on Visa as well.
You said you don't want any migrants into the country, that's painting a very broad brush over an issue. Also I have a Filipino friend who came here to be a nurse because there was a big shortage on nurses in America (not many like the hours and stressful dirty job) so she and her Filipino friends came and worked at the nursing homes. I'm in the middle with this issue but I also understand that we should train Americans and make college much much more affordable and less indoctrination by lefty professors so they can do the job instead of helping foreigners.
It happens periodically. The U.S goes through periods where the ‘Natives’ IE everyone who is poor and middle class here before (Insert Year)
Relentlessly attack, harass and bully immigrants. Even if they came from the same area in a prior wave of immigration. Viewing them as a perceived threat to their jobs and livelihoods.
The group then ‘Americanizes’ IE is absorbed into the wider cultural fabric. And the harassment fades.
We’ve gone through this cycle since the Country was founded. Irish, Germans, Welsh, Scottish, Italian, Polish, French, Spanish etc.
And we’ve been well overdue for another resurgence of this kind of rhetoric.
We’ve also gone after each other over religion in cycles as well. Mostly just rehashing Catholic and Protestant Grievances that were old even before the U.S was settled.
In some parts of the country the KKK spent almost as much time harassing White Catholics and did Black People.
It took till WW2 and fighting and dying alongside each other before Protestants and Catholics here finally began to bury the hatchet. Even then it wasn’t completely buried. As tensions flared again with the election of Kennedy.
But at the moment in modern day the biggest threat to either group from each other. Is mostly Juvenile arguments online, spouting Bible Verses at each other, and quoting Saints.
About the only group that routinely has disliked and mistreated everyone else in the Country since the founding. Regardless of their origin and religion. Has been the Uber wealthy. Hell. They don’t even like each other half the time.
Just to be clear I’m not talking run of the Mill Millionaire with a McMansion and a vacation house on a lake.
But the real old school old money families. That pay to obscure their real Networths or keep themselves out of the public eye period.