Back in the 80s and 90s he was so arrogant and full of himself and claimed to be the leading "expert" on UFOs when, in fact, all he promoted was fear mongering about it. He made a lot of money off gullible people willing to follow him around on his UFO excursions where he claimed he could call them out and they would come. I knew several people who fell for his shit. He was very closed-minded on the topic unwilling to discuss any kind of alternatives.
Don't forget his grifting that he can "summon" UFOs over the ocean. He would charge people to go to these summoning's, and would beg the UFOs's to show themselves. All of a sudden, lights would start appearing in the sky over the water that looked a lot like flairs being dropped from a Cessna 172. He's a massive fraud.
The only "fear mongering" that Greer does is trying to explain to people why hiding this technology is harming this world. He's NEVER stated that Aliens are hostile, unlike the people trying to ramp up a MIC reaction. Yes, he's arrogant, but you are incorrect about your assertion that he's close minded, he just doesn't listen to people who have done zero research but try to offer opinions.
I'm pretty sure you can find him talking about the Singularity from way back in 2005ish? He is the perfect example of a controlled op. He is the once that gets idiots to believe he can help them. THey contact him and reveal their information. Nothing happens but the person feels like something did. If it's really important, they'll probably be taken out. Just like Greer says about a couple of his fellow workers. You mean to tell me they take out his assistant but leave him? He is 100% controlled in my opinion from watching him for almost 20 years.
I don't trust Greer in any way, shape or form.
Just curious why?
Back in the 80s and 90s he was so arrogant and full of himself and claimed to be the leading "expert" on UFOs when, in fact, all he promoted was fear mongering about it. He made a lot of money off gullible people willing to follow him around on his UFO excursions where he claimed he could call them out and they would come. I knew several people who fell for his shit. He was very closed-minded on the topic unwilling to discuss any kind of alternatives.
No change there then.
Don't forget his grifting that he can "summon" UFOs over the ocean. He would charge people to go to these summoning's, and would beg the UFOs's to show themselves. All of a sudden, lights would start appearing in the sky over the water that looked a lot like flairs being dropped from a Cessna 172. He's a massive fraud.
The only "fear mongering" that Greer does is trying to explain to people why hiding this technology is harming this world. He's NEVER stated that Aliens are hostile, unlike the people trying to ramp up a MIC reaction. Yes, he's arrogant, but you are incorrect about your assertion that he's close minded, he just doesn't listen to people who have done zero research but try to offer opinions.
I disagree completely. He may have changed his stance now but back in the 80s and 90s it was complete fear mongering.
I'm pretty sure you can find him talking about the Singularity from way back in 2005ish? He is the perfect example of a controlled op. He is the once that gets idiots to believe he can help them. THey contact him and reveal their information. Nothing happens but the person feels like something did. If it's really important, they'll probably be taken out. Just like Greer says about a couple of his fellow workers. You mean to tell me they take out his assistant but leave him? He is 100% controlled in my opinion from watching him for almost 20 years.