GeorgeMcPottyMouth 2 points ago +2 / -0

couldn't see a zip line off the water tower that was reported

GeorgeMcPottyMouth 4 points ago +4 / -0

Once a COCKSUCKER ,well you know the thing.

GeorgeMcPottyMouth 3 points ago +3 / -0

Looked to me like labored breathing,old people die of the flu everyday,how do you take out a so called sitting president right in front of the world.me think walter reed gotta patient coming in HOT.

GeorgeMcPottyMouth 1 point ago +1 / -0

if only my white college educated neighbours could see, he did come over yesterday we BS for awhile and as he left he turned back and said "I'M SORRY WHAT HAPPENED TO TRUMP",and i said thanks for that it's not your fault everyone in this country needs to just calm down.

GeorgeMcPottyMouth 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is SS 101,SECURE ALL SURROUNDING HIGH ANGELED TO TARGET/POTUS ROOFTOPS,and there was only one that met this standard in close proximity. The question is was it incompetence ,lack of leadership,not enough agents,or intentionally ignored.

GeorgeMcPottyMouth 1 point ago +1 / -0

i was enjoying my coffee until this asswipe came on ,i remember watching this live and thinking i would beat him from within an inch of his pathetic life ,wonder what happened to him is he still on the news?

GeorgeMcPottyMouth 2 points ago +2 / -0

they do this on cruise ships before debarking,all the women and children are put in front of all the men for emergency practice drills for loading dinghy's.as i yelled out ,oh i see what your doing here and all the men laughed.kek

GeorgeMcPottyMouth 1 point ago +1 / -0

Watch for this to happen first ,"SELF DEPORTATION" ,either pack your bags and get on a train/plane/bus, get fingerprinted/DNA swabbed or you will be rounded up by Military/Law Enforcement/ICE/ become a Felon with no future legal entry/Green Card/Work Visas in the United States for the rest of your and your children's lives Billed for what you owe the American Taxpayers and sit back and watch the Greatest Human Vacuum since the Israelite's were freed from Egypt.

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