Its becoming retarded lately. Yes, Im a retard and even I notice. Was there a massive shill sign up ? Multiple same topic posts. Seems to be a coordinated effort to divide.
Thats all. Thank you
Its becoming retarded lately. Yes, Im a retard and even I notice. Was there a massive shill sign up ? Multiple same topic posts. Seems to be a coordinated effort to divide.
Thats all. Thank you
Yes, we're being attacked by trolls in an effort to divide. You can help us out by deporting them when you see them.
there may not be anyone left, if I get deport button access
No idea what you are talking about, by the way did you hear Carter kicked the bucket and Elon has an opinion about H1B visas?
Completely agree, the past week has been painful, I wonder what we were supposed to miss?
I think the Ds are planning big fuckiness for January, possibly even including a new “Pandemic”.
LOL! Yes, "big fuckiness" incoming. But Trump and the White Hats {tm} are prepared and the fuckiness will backfilre on [them]. That's been the pattern and I expect it to not just continue but to accelerate.