The claim "Hollywood Tear Gas & Mace" from 1:02 - 1:09 seems a bit disingenuous when it looks like the guy has just used a vape and then hangs it on his sweater.
At 8:10, where the blood that comes out of her nose, I don't know how easy that would be to do in real life, so that seems real except why no coughing, snorting or gagging?
However, the black band around the waist at 19:38 looks suspicious, like he says.
The direction of the shot definitely looks like it was aimed at the stomach, so perhaps she was supposed to be shot in the stomach, where the possible squib band was, but it failed to go off, so when the blood came out of the mouth from a blood capsule, they just said that she was shot in the neck when they saw the blood that had run down there. And there was no wincing from the shot, just a very slow fall backwards.
The video is extremely well analysed and narrated.
The black belly band could easily have been a torso brace. If she was expecting a whole day of standing around and not sitting, she might have a problem with her back muscles. Especially if she is wearing a loaded backsack. Guys in the business of doing a lot of lifting commonly wear those.
The claim "Hollywood Tear Gas & Mace" from 1:02 - 1:09 seems a bit disingenuous when it looks like the guy has just used a vape and then hangs it on his sweater.
At 8:10, where the blood that comes out of her nose, I don't know how easy that would be to do in real life, so that seems real except why no coughing, snorting or gagging?
However, the black band around the waist at 19:38 looks suspicious, like he says.
The direction of the shot definitely looks like it was aimed at the stomach, so perhaps she was supposed to be shot in the stomach, where the possible squib band was, but it failed to go off, so when the blood came out of the mouth from a blood capsule, they just said that she was shot in the neck when they saw the blood that had run down there. And there was no wincing from the shot, just a very slow fall backwards.
The video is extremely well analysed and narrated.
The black belly band could easily have been a torso brace. If she was expecting a whole day of standing around and not sitting, she might have a problem with her back muscles. Especially if she is wearing a loaded backsack. Guys in the business of doing a lot of lifting commonly wear those.
Okay, thanks.