Russia rejects Trump’s Ukraine peace proposals.
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If Americans knew what previous and current Congress members are involved in crimes in Ukraine, there would be a civil war. Trump has a huge job ahead of him cleaning up the corruption in every department. If he can, he could stand beside Putin as an equal, but it has taken Putin 25 years to clean up the corruption and right the sinking ship. Trump doesn’t have that time. I follow a Canadian family that have moved to Russia. They felt the way Canada was trending against farming, families and faith, they needed to move. They also have 8 children. The statement - God helps those who help themselves - could be applied to them. Russia has created an area outside Moscow, where those who wish to migrate can find temporary accommodation, open bank accounts, find work, enrol children in school, (although Putin has introduced a law that immigrating children (and their families) must be actively learning Russian) in the last week or so. It’s a one stop shop for an introduction to all things Russia.
People will be shocked if they think Moscow is some backwater swamp. It’s incredibly modern with state of the art infrastructure etc. Shopping centres that in many cases are better designed and accessible than many cities with transit stations feeding into basements. Housing is affordable with subsidies to those in services like paramedics, firemen, police and military. Large families also get subsidies.
Every week this family I mentioned receive boxes of gifts from people all over Russia. Bedding. Towels. Cooking equipment. Clothes. Toys. Chocolates. Curtains. Books etc. The Mum often breaks down with the generosity of strangers. But they have fitted in and are busy building a house, a barn etc. on their own.
Nobody thinks the capitol city of a major world power like Russia, is a back water. 13 million people live there. That is the population of NYC and Los Angeles combined.