Unusual occurrences in my region of East Texas I've never witnessed before: moths mating Dec 26th, red hornets still buzzing around, geckos and lizards still being seen and not hibernating like reptiles should, apple tree budding with flowers, green leaves still on mulberry trees, Jalapeño plant producing large amounts of peppers when plant should be dead this time of year, having to cut the grass up to this date, amongst many other abnormalities. What have you anons witnessed in your regions that is abnormal?
I have found for the last several years in the St. Louis region winter kicks in later, after Christmas. And then it seems to hang around longer through March.
Stop spreading their fear porn for them, please.
Each winter we get 2 or 3 very cold snaps. There wasno need for the hype within the article.
Unusual occurrences in my region of East Texas I've never witnessed before: moths mating Dec 26th, red hornets still buzzing around, geckos and lizards still being seen and not hibernating like reptiles should, apple tree budding with flowers, green leaves still on mulberry trees, Jalapeño plant producing large amounts of peppers when plant should be dead this time of year, having to cut the grass up to this date, amongst many other abnormalities. What have you anons witnessed in your regions that is abnormal?
I have found for the last several years in the St. Louis region winter kicks in later, after Christmas. And then it seems to hang around longer through March.