Screw that, I'm trying to sell everyone on the bird coof jab too. I don't like most people, I'm all for getting rid of OSHA too. Let's thin this heard of the stupid as fast as possible. My friend just asked me to go to her cousin's funeral, I'm like, "the one who didn't want us to visit because I didn't get the jab?". They're dying all around me but I don't have any sympathy after being treated like shit because I wanted to keep my body pure.
Screw that, I'm trying to sell everyone on the bird coof jab too. I don't like most people, I'm all for getting rid of OSHA too. Let's thin this heard of the stupid as fast as possible. My friend just asked me to go to her cousin's funeral, I'm like, "the one who didn't want us to visit because I didn't get the jab?". They're dying all around me but I don't have any sympathy after being treated like shit because I wanted to keep my body pure.
Yeah, sadly...this is where I'm at.