Sleeping woman burned to death on NYC subway train pictured in HS yearbook photo: ‘Million dollar smile’
Debrina Kawam had aspirations to be a flight attendant and was known for her “million dollar smile,” according to her high school yearbook biography.
Still no explanation as to how flicking a match causes that kind of fire.
Some early stories said Alcohol Bottles were reportedly found near the victim. Which gave initial impressions the guy lit a Drunk on fire.
But that detail seems to have dropped from a lot of the reporting. So IDK if it was or wasn’t true.
But an alcoholic covered in spilled Booze would explain a few things. Such as how she went up so quickly. And why she apparently managed to just stand there. Despite being a Human Torch. If she was plastered already the nerves and pain receptors wouldn’t be firing at their peak.
Yeah and the cops just walking by like nothing happened. I thought, were those cops just added into the video? I don't know but that whole thing looks faked.