My thoughts too. The congress criters will use that as an excuse to hold up the certification pending "the results." Then, when he is sentenced to whatever (possibly try to imprison Trump) the critters will say he is ineligible and give the presidency to Kamala instead.
This would certainly solidify these people as "enemy combatants" based on the law of war manual. This is their last chance to hand the occupied territory back to the rightful government before the hammer comes down.
From my limited understanding, the second that they make official moves against allowing the rightful government to take over, their lives/freedom/power become forfeit. This could be delaying or suspending the transfer of power, imprisonment of the president elect, or ruling him ineligible and giving the presidency to a person of their choice.
I see this going two ways, and peaceful or the aforementioned shit-show, and right now I'm leaning towards shit-show.
My thoughts too. The congress criters will use that as an excuse to hold up the certification pending "the results." Then, when he is sentenced to whatever (possibly try to imprison Trump) the critters will say he is ineligible and give the presidency to Kamala instead.
This would certainly solidify these people as "enemy combatants" based on the law of war manual. This is their last chance to hand the occupied territory back to the rightful government before the hammer comes down.
From my limited understanding, the second that they make official moves against allowing the rightful government to take over, their lives/freedom/power become forfeit. This could be delaying or suspending the transfer of power, imprisonment of the president elect, or ruling him ineligible and giving the presidency to a person of their choice.
I see this going two ways, and peaceful or the aforementioned shit-show, and right now I'm leaning towards shit-show.