Tungsten Capital Advisors website.- https://www.tungstencapitaladvisors.com --Leadership = Leonid Simon Vindman
Leonid Simon Vindman, Founder and CEO, Tungsten Capital Advisors, has thirty years of experience in the financial services focusing predominately on Central Eastern Europe, Ukraine, Russia, the Caucasus and Central Asia regions. He also worked on and completed transactions in the Middle East, travelled extensively in Africa and Asia and has a passion for global emerging and frontier markets.
Prior to founding this boutique, he worked at large international financial institutions, as a Managing Director at UniCredit – the largest international bank in Central and Eastern Europe at that time. Vice President at JPMorgan investment bank. Principal Banker at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the EBRD). Senior Associate at Bankers Trust (acquired by Deutsche Bank), and Manager at Central Europe Trust - a strategy consulting and investment advisory firm. He has successfully completed more than 50 investment and advisory transactions in the region.
Mr. Vindman received his Bachelor’s degree from Dartmouth College and an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth Graduate School of Business.
Maria Starkova-Vindman
Maria Starkova-Vindman, Non-Executive Director, Art and Philanthropy, is an art historian and art advisor, with fifteen years of experience of working across the academic, curatorial and business areas within the arts. In 2007 she founded an art advisory firm Art Research Advisors LLP and previously worked at the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow as an assistant keeper and curator, and taught on the Courtauld MA course on global contemporary art.
She holds an MA and PhD in Art History (20th century art) from the Courtauld Institute of Art in London, as well as another PhD in Art History (Italian Renaissance) from the Moscow State University.
Art Research Advisors LLP -- https://www.artresearchadvisors.com/company.html
We are supported by other experienced professionals as needed.
Tungsten Capital Advisors website.- https://www.tungstencapitaladvisors.com --Leadership = Leonid Simon Vindman Leonid Simon Vindman, Founder and CEO, Tungsten Capital Advisors, has thirty years of experience in the financial services focusing predominately on Central Eastern Europe, Ukraine, Russia, the Caucasus and Central Asia regions. He also worked on and completed transactions in the Middle East, travelled extensively in Africa and Asia and has a passion for global emerging and frontier markets.
Prior to founding this boutique, he worked at large international financial institutions, as a Managing Director at UniCredit – the largest international bank in Central and Eastern Europe at that time. Vice President at JPMorgan investment bank. Principal Banker at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the EBRD). Senior Associate at Bankers Trust (acquired by Deutsche Bank), and Manager at Central Europe Trust - a strategy consulting and investment advisory firm. He has successfully completed more than 50 investment and advisory transactions in the region.
Mr. Vindman received his Bachelor’s degree from Dartmouth College and an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth Graduate School of Business.
Maria Starkova-Vindman Maria Starkova-Vindman, Non-Executive Director, Art and Philanthropy, is an art historian and art advisor, with fifteen years of experience of working across the academic, curatorial and business areas within the arts. In 2007 she founded an art advisory firm Art Research Advisors LLP and previously worked at the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow as an assistant keeper and curator, and taught on the Courtauld MA course on global contemporary art.
She holds an MA and PhD in Art History (20th century art) from the Courtauld Institute of Art in London, as well as another PhD in Art History (Italian Renaissance) from the Moscow State University.
Art Research Advisors LLP -- https://www.artresearchadvisors.com/company.html
We are supported by other experienced professionals as needed.