Some of you are so reactionary over an idol falling. Elon is not beyond reproach, what the hell is wrong with you?! If we just roll over when people on our side go awry, they won't get the pushback they need to get straightened out! If Trump said he would tear down the border wall in 3 months, do we just sit here clapping for it because Trump said it? If it was some random Twitter user who said the shit Elon said on the H1B's we would clown on them! But nooo Elon is spwecial fweeeee speech! Come on. Don't be a damn yes-man, especially right now in this historical inflection point when our voices need to be heard more than ever.
Feel free to chime in, attack me or whatever you like. I hate yes-men too (;
I don't trust Elon. Neuralink and Starlink are conspiracy theorists' worst nightmares. Even if Elon doesn't allow that technology to be abused by the globalist cabal in the near future what happens when he dies? He's built the foundation for a surveillance state tyranny and it won't go to waste when he's gone. It will be hijacked and used against humanity.
I get the impression that Elon was a science fiction geek as a child. Now, he has an opportunity to live out his wet dreams about science stuff -- as long as the taxpayer funds it, and he gets to take in the profits.
He has no real principles or values that align with the bedrock ideals of America.
He is in it for the money, and maybe likes to be admired, too. That's why he is so angry when he is challenged. Probably doesn't get challenged much by people who work for him -- surrounded by classic yes men.