This is a long substack column with the subject's story being told in a series of text-images that I can't include here. To see the entire post, you may have to subscribe (a free trial is probably offered) and if you have ANY INTEREST in the subject matter, I encourage you to do so, and to support Dr. Makis in other ways if possible, as he is under serious attack by the powers that be.
EDIT: here's the article Emily's story is from (no paywall, but also no Dr. Makis):
I've included Dr. Makis' responses below, and they pretty much tell the tale from a medical point of view, and include several links to relevant studies.
To summarize this complicated story:
36 year old mother of 4 was diagnosed with Stage 2 Pancreatic Ductal Carcinoma (PDAC), wrapped around her blood vessels, preventing her from getting surgery.
She did 6 months of chemo, which shrunk the tumor away from the blood vessels just enough to allow her to have surgery (Whipple procedure).
The tumor that was removed, however, was twice the size of the original tumor, indicating the Pancreatic Cancer had already overcome the effects of the chemo even before the surgery and had been growing again very quickly.
Surgeons claimed they got it all but they didn’t (post op pathology report showed positive margins but no one caught it and no one seemed to know)
She had ongoing symptoms but wasn’t taken seriously by Oncologists.
Her cancer markers CA-19 spiked and sure enough, 8 months after surgery she was diagnosed by CT with a Pancreatic cancer recurrence, nearly the same size as the 1st tumor, but her Oncologists refused to treat her and tried to put her on a trial of some kind.
She went to MD Anderson for a second opinion.
This is where she starts taking Ivermectin on the advice of her mother in law: “my mother in law knew of Dr.Makis and his research”).
She took Ivermectin for three months while getting a new cancer team to prepare treatment for her Pancreatic Cancer recurrence.
During those three months the tumor STOPPED growing and was unchanged on CT and had not metastasized.
Her 2nd Oncology team then did 6 weeks of chemo and radiation.
She is now Cancer free!
How do I explain what happened here?
During the 3 months that she was diagnosed with a LOCAL Pancreatic cancer recurrence but her Oncologists refused to treat her, the Ivermectin definitely stopped the tumor growth.
Without the Ivermectin she would have progressed to Stage 4 with metastases - this was an aggressive cancer!
Ivermectin stopped tumor growth and prevented the tumor from metastasizing!
But it doesn’t end there.
Furthermore, Ivermectin sensitized her cancer to the chemo and radiation that she then received “they did just 6 weeks of chemo paired with a small bit of radiation 5x a week”.
Ivermectin kills stem cells, making it possible to reach NED post chemo and radiation (2017 Dominguez-Gomez et al: “Ivermectin as an inhibitor of caner stem-like cells”)
Ivermectin inhibits tumor growth and metastasis (2020 Chen et al: “Ivermectin suppresses tumour growth and metastasis through degradation of PAK1”)
Ivermectin inhibits metastasis (2022 Jiang et al: “Ivermectin inhibits tumor metastasis by regulating the WNT/B-catenin/integrin b1/FAK signaling pathway”)
Ivermectin reverses chemo drug resistance, allowing chemo to kill more cancer cells (2019 Jiang et al: “Ivermectin reverses the drug resistance in cancer cells through EGFR/ERK/Akt/NF-kB pathway”)
Ivermectin sensitizes cancer cells to radiation, allowing radiation to kill more cancer cells. (2020 Mudassar et al: “Targeting tumor hypoxia and mitochondrial metabolism with anti-parasitic drugs to improve radiation response”)
Ivermectin WAS responsible for her excellent response to chemo and radiation and the outcome of now being CANCER FREE!
It’s really hard to read this and still know there is a 5 year old stage 4 cancer patient at my church. I did send them advice but they picked the 100% natural route without any of the deworming drugs (not 100% on this). I feel heart broken but I also know they are not living in chemo pain. Everyone was told to give them space as some in the church would probably suggest ivermectin or natural cures. Maybe I should just try the other older guy who is also in a bad spot too. It’s hard when people don’t trust you enough to actually save them when it’s so contrary to medical advice.
It's a horrible feeling when you encounter situations where being polite, as those around you see it, involves keeping quiet about things that could save a life or at least greatly improve a person's quality of living. I wish I had some advice on how to rectify that problem, but I don't. Sometimes you can only choose between remaining quiet or being ejected from your friend's life, and either way the potential for a better outcome is lost.
🐕 “Dog dewormer” alone powerfully shuts down any further conversation. In our culture, to be compared with a dog or associated with doggy things (even with good intentions) is a grave insult. So, we feel your pain. We have suggested to our good friend, whose mother has a form of cancer, to try a dog dewormer (Fenben). We even gave links to resources, testimonies etc. Didn’t hear from our friend since. 😔
The joke of this is many pharmaceutical actives have multiple effects ie aspirin is used for pain relief but can also is used for blood thinning.
Nothing suggests fenben or ivermectin's usage is solely limited to deworming, and as we are discovering there is compelling evidence suggesting they are both have displayed very potent anti cancer actions, which you would think would warrant more thorough investigation.
I am all for RFK raising these sorts of issues and hopefully increasing the acceptance and use of these effective yet cheaper alternatives to standard pharma-medicinal options.