Reason, meaning and all that aside.. The one on the right (new one?) looks like a TEMU version and or knock off. I would be embarrassed, the only thing that IMO has improved are the ram and the polar bear depictions, rest went from regal art to .. cartoon land. Even the Elephant at the bottom looks sad, unhealthy with and defeated and I see, the hair color and skin tone is just BLEH now instead of definitively blonde and a healthy pink undertone. The crown and the tassels and the draped cloth.. everything just looks cartoon now instead of finely detailed. Reminds me of when our class in middle school had an assignment to illustrate our own fragment scene of Egyptian pictographs.... got a B grade but, my coloring and form was way off now that I look at it.
Reason, meaning and all that aside.. The one on the right (new one?) looks like a TEMU version and or knock off. I would be embarrassed, the only thing that IMO has improved are the ram and the polar bear depictions, rest went from regal art to .. cartoon land. Even the Elephant at the bottom looks sad, unhealthy with and defeated and I see, the hair color and skin tone is just BLEH now instead of definitively blonde and a healthy pink undertone. The crown and the tassels and the draped cloth.. everything just looks cartoon now instead of finely detailed. Reminds me of when our class in middle school had an assignment to illustrate our own fragment scene of Egyptian pictographs.... got a B grade but, my coloring and form was way off now that I look at it.