It is not ours by right, it is the legal territory of Denmark. We can take it by force, but that would make us no better than Nazis or Communists.
If the people of Greenland vote for it and we pay Denmark for it, no problem.
Except maybe unintended consequences. There are arguments for and against it. I have no strong opinions at this time on it other than rejecting your original point.
Found the handshake National Socialist.
No, manifest destiny. Nazis are communists.
"It had better be for free. It is ours by right and we could take it whenever we want."
Nazi, Communist
Potato, Potahto
We can, and it does. That's not Lebensraum
It is not ours by right, it is the legal territory of Denmark. We can take it by force, but that would make us no better than Nazis or Communists.
If the people of Greenland vote for it and we pay Denmark for it, no problem.
Except maybe unintended consequences. There are arguments for and against it. I have no strong opinions at this time on it other than rejecting your original point.