IMHO...Israel and our government (CIA) actually created Hama, Isis, et al for the express purpose of giving Israel support for going after its neighbors. They committed genocide to the tune of 500,000 Palestinians in order to retake the land they now sit at the behest of the Rothschild dynasty.
There's very credible evidence that they were indeed at the forefront of involvement in the 9/11 catastrophe. The entire operation has Israel/CIA written all over it...right on down to the Israeli nationals that were caught with a moving truck full of explosives that was meant for the Lincoln Tunnel. I was there and I remember the local NJ radio stations giving a play by play of these events which were summarily snuffed out of the narrative after they deported the Jewish bastards back to Israel. These same individuals had the cojones to actually do interviews lying about their involvement to throw it in the faces of stupid Americans who were buying into the government narrative lock stock and barrel!
I knew the WMD bullshyt was just that (a steaming pile of poo) the first time I heard about it. I was full on conservative, but I couldn't stand the Bush family and knew 9/11 and the takedown of Saddam was all about Israel. But our boys (like I said...bought into the Terrorist Boogieman lock stock and barrel). Man, our young boys and girls couldn't wait to get over there and defeat the evil enemy created by Bush/Cheney and Israel! Even at this late hour, I am still listening to vets of that war going on about how justified Israel was attacking civilians in Gaza, Syria and Lebanon...Listen to the last episode of Shawn Ryan. What a joke! I do appreciate our vets and the important role they play in the safety of the homeland...but these guys really need to stay out of politics because the brainwashing starts as soon as they sign the dotted line and doesn't stop until they get out!
We will really be able to see empirically how serious (or should I say effective...because I do believe he's serious) Trump is about ending the DS based on his dealing with Israel. The fact that he's parroting what the guy in the video is saying about Netanyahu is encouraging and I have not heard much this go around from his pathetic son-in-law. We need to continue to pray for Trump and that his education with regard to the cabal continues to deepen.
IMHO...Israel and our government (CIA) actually created Hama, Isis, et al for the express purpose of giving Israel support for going after its neighbors. They committed genocide to the tune of 500,000 Palestinians in order to retake the land they now sit at the behest of the Rothschild dynasty.
There's very credible evidence that they were indeed at the forefront of involvement in the 9/11 catastrophe. The entire operation has Israel/CIA written all over it...right on down to the Israeli nationals that were caught with a moving truck full of explosives that was meant for the Lincoln Tunnel. I was there and I remember the local NJ radio stations giving a play by play of these events which were summarily snuffed out of the narrative after they deported the Jewish bastards back to Israel. These same individuals had the cojones to actually do interviews lying about their involvement to throw it in the faces of stupid Americans who were buying into the government narrative lock stock and barrel!
I knew the WMD bullshyt was just that (a steaming pile of poo) the first time I heard about it. I was full on conservative, but I couldn't stand the Bush family and knew 9/11 and the takedown of Saddam was all about Israel. But our boys (like I said...bought into the Terrorist Boogieman lock stock and barrel). Man, our young boys and girls couldn't wait to get over there and defeat the evil enemy created by Bush/Cheney and Israel! Even at this late hour, I am still listening to vets of that war going on about how justified Israel was attacking civilians in Gaza, Syria and Lebanon...Listen to the last episode of Shawn Ryan. What a joke! I do appreciate our vets and the important role they play in the safety of the homeland...but these guys really need to stay out of politics because the brainwashing starts as soon as they sign the dotted line and doesn't stop until they get out!
We will really be able to see empirically how serious (or should I say effective...because I do believe he's serious) Trump is about ending the DS based on his dealing with Israel. The fact that he's parroting what the guy in the video is saying about Netanyahu is encouraging and I have not heard much this go around from his pathetic son-in-law. We need to continue to pray for Trump and that his education with regard to the cabal continues to deepen.