For Ivermectin I used the horse paste and took the recommended rate for my body weight (200 lbs) on the plunger scale every day.
For fenben I got the pills but I should have gotten the equivalent from Tractor supply in the gallon container and again for my body weight every day.
Here is the thing, none of the medications, vitamins, salt and minerals have any adverse side effects if you use too much of them, basically your body pees them out, proper nutrition is key.
I also need to emphasize the Carnivore diet, too many carbs depletes the vitamins and minerals in your system.
Also check out the Florida Sharkman Protocol on Truth Social, It turns out that most of this info is what Veterinarians have been doing for a long time.
Watch Dr Anthony Chaffee on YouTube & (maybe) Rumble for lots of info and benefits to carnivore. There’s many doctors that have posting for years how it’s helped them. Basically, people do different versions of carnivore. Most recommend doing at least 30-60 days of just beef, eggs & butter. If nothing else it’s a good way to eliminate what you are allergic to. Lions diet is just meat, mainly beef. I get the names mixed up with the actual foods. Some eat only steak, those I’ve seen talk about this eat a huge ribeye in one sitting and don’t eat again for at least 48 hours. I’m not there. I find hamburger more filling than a ribeye steak. You need the animal fat, especially for weight loss. Watch sausage as it has sugar & grains, sometimes not listed. Study oxalate foods, I didn’t have a clue high oxalates cause allergies and that could be stomach distress as well. Sometimes I have eaten foods I ate all my life and I get very sick. I can’t eat lettuce, my stomach hurts for hours. Basically it’s what works for you and what you are trying to accomplish. Look for Jordan Peterson & family carnivore story, they were all very sick before carnivore.
If I may ask, what was the regimen? Dosage, period, etc? Any links? I am actually looking into this nowadays.
For Ivermectin I used the horse paste and took the recommended rate for my body weight (200 lbs) on the plunger scale every day.
For fenben I got the pills but I should have gotten the equivalent from Tractor supply in the gallon container and again for my body weight every day.
Here is the thing, none of the medications, vitamins, salt and minerals have any adverse side effects if you use too much of them, basically your body pees them out, proper nutrition is key.
I also need to emphasize the Carnivore diet, too many carbs depletes the vitamins and minerals in your system.
Also check out the Florida Sharkman Protocol on Truth Social, It turns out that most of this info is what Veterinarians have been doing for a long time.
Thanks, I was wondering about the carnivore diet, so basically keto (no carbs starve most cancers)
Watch Dr Anthony Chaffee on YouTube & (maybe) Rumble for lots of info and benefits to carnivore. There’s many doctors that have posting for years how it’s helped them. Basically, people do different versions of carnivore. Most recommend doing at least 30-60 days of just beef, eggs & butter. If nothing else it’s a good way to eliminate what you are allergic to. Lions diet is just meat, mainly beef. I get the names mixed up with the actual foods. Some eat only steak, those I’ve seen talk about this eat a huge ribeye in one sitting and don’t eat again for at least 48 hours. I’m not there. I find hamburger more filling than a ribeye steak. You need the animal fat, especially for weight loss. Watch sausage as it has sugar & grains, sometimes not listed. Study oxalate foods, I didn’t have a clue high oxalates cause allergies and that could be stomach distress as well. Sometimes I have eaten foods I ate all my life and I get very sick. I can’t eat lettuce, my stomach hurts for hours. Basically it’s what works for you and what you are trying to accomplish. Look for Jordan Peterson & family carnivore story, they were all very sick before carnivore.