A word of caution.
It seems like at least SOME cancers are caused by parasites.
And at least SOME cancers are cured by ivermectin and fenben.
But a lot of things can cause cancer, which is basically a dysregulation of normal cell function. Chemicals, radiation, stress, diet etc etc. There is not going to be a 'one cure to fix them all' answer it seems.
My personal anecdote;
Having been on the boards since at least 2020, I read about all the cures listed.
Just over 2 years ago I was diagnosed with colon cancer, stage 3, almost 4. Started taking everything under the sun. Horse paste (in Canada so could not get anything else unless I tried ordering from India or something), fenben, methylene blue, apricot seeds. Turkey tail mushroom, black walnut and wormwood. Red and infrared light (supposed to combine with methylene blue), and other stuff.
-Side note - after taking ivermectin for the first time(I was taking it nearly a year before I was diagnosed already, as was trying to keep any viruses away etc), I felt better than I had in years. Like a lot. Also massively reduced my caffeine addition, was able to cut down how much I take by like two thirds. the normal headaches from not drinking coffee were way reduced. Also cleared up some other minor things.-
Nothing worked. Maybe it helped? could not tell. Was also trying to fast but secondary issue caused by the cancer was a bile acid malabsorption - so had stabbing gut pain only helped by eating greasy junk carbs to absorb the acid. So fasting and carnivore was very difficult.
Did 1 month Radiation, 4 months chemo - and did 3 days of fasting every 2 weeks for chemo treatment - which seems to have helped the most(and no nausea unlike most). Doctors and nurses kept being surprised how well the tumor was responding to the treatment (as a lot of people have no benefit it seems, or limited). Tumor shrunk 70% from 10 to 3 cm.
Then, because I was taking everything, I stupidly waited for the surgery after, they were going to do it like a month after chemo, but i declined. I thought will all the 'this cures cancer' stuff I was taking maybe could fix the rest on my own. Nope. It soon started growing again. Became painful and bleeding etc. Got back in and did surgery 3 months after. but risked letting things get more serious again because 'I read this online'
So seems I am cancer free now. But have a permanent colostemy bag, as the location of the tumor was right at exit, so they had to take out sphincter muscles and that is not fixable after. (one reason I tried to wait, did not want bag etc)
Point being - be careful about knee-jerk reactions to 'this one thing fixes ALL cancer, all the time, in all people'. if it helps some, fantastic, and since its cheap and easy - everyone should absolutely be doing it regularly anyway (every other mammal gets parasite treatments, why not people?) - but best not to assume its a cure-all.
(would be nice to have that Rife wave machine to vibrate away the cancer, but dont know who can make one or have money to have it made, so....but it seems also like it should be pretty effective for most people).
I know you said you tried fasting and carnivore diet but couldn't due to "side effects",
But I'm wondering if you also eliminated sugar when eating food?
Have you tried Iodine? I've read that Iodine really helps eliminate cancer by providing the necessary nutrients for your body as well as helps with your stomach issues like acid reflux.
I am taking that, a small drop of Lugols 5% iodine with a tablespoon of black strap molasses before breakfast. Cancer loves sugar so it gathers the mollasses unto itself but too late, the iodine mixed in with it helps to kill the Pink Robots.
Interesting, never heard of that method. I've been doing the 4oz water with 5% Lugols in it, only one drop so far because I haven't been taking the companions (Selenium, ATP Co-Factors, etc). But I stopped for a while because I keep forgetting to take it due to my busy schedule.
When things settle down, I will resume. Same for my wife, who needs it more than I do. She suffers from muscle pain/cramps/stiffness among other symptoms and after 2 weeks of taking Iodine, her symptoms got better (she's able to move around more, felt more energized, her muscles felt better and she's able to move freely with less restrictions), but like me, her schedule got busy and she stopped taking it.
A word of caution. It seems like at least SOME cancers are caused by parasites. And at least SOME cancers are cured by ivermectin and fenben.
But a lot of things can cause cancer, which is basically a dysregulation of normal cell function. Chemicals, radiation, stress, diet etc etc. There is not going to be a 'one cure to fix them all' answer it seems.
My personal anecdote; Having been on the boards since at least 2020, I read about all the cures listed.
Just over 2 years ago I was diagnosed with colon cancer, stage 3, almost 4. Started taking everything under the sun. Horse paste (in Canada so could not get anything else unless I tried ordering from India or something), fenben, methylene blue, apricot seeds. Turkey tail mushroom, black walnut and wormwood. Red and infrared light (supposed to combine with methylene blue), and other stuff.
-Side note - after taking ivermectin for the first time(I was taking it nearly a year before I was diagnosed already, as was trying to keep any viruses away etc), I felt better than I had in years. Like a lot. Also massively reduced my caffeine addition, was able to cut down how much I take by like two thirds. the normal headaches from not drinking coffee were way reduced. Also cleared up some other minor things.-
Nothing worked. Maybe it helped? could not tell. Was also trying to fast but secondary issue caused by the cancer was a bile acid malabsorption - so had stabbing gut pain only helped by eating greasy junk carbs to absorb the acid. So fasting and carnivore was very difficult.
Did 1 month Radiation, 4 months chemo - and did 3 days of fasting every 2 weeks for chemo treatment - which seems to have helped the most(and no nausea unlike most). Doctors and nurses kept being surprised how well the tumor was responding to the treatment (as a lot of people have no benefit it seems, or limited). Tumor shrunk 70% from 10 to 3 cm.
Then, because I was taking everything, I stupidly waited for the surgery after, they were going to do it like a month after chemo, but i declined. I thought will all the 'this cures cancer' stuff I was taking maybe could fix the rest on my own. Nope. It soon started growing again. Became painful and bleeding etc. Got back in and did surgery 3 months after. but risked letting things get more serious again because 'I read this online'
So seems I am cancer free now. But have a permanent colostemy bag, as the location of the tumor was right at exit, so they had to take out sphincter muscles and that is not fixable after. (one reason I tried to wait, did not want bag etc)
Point being - be careful about knee-jerk reactions to 'this one thing fixes ALL cancer, all the time, in all people'. if it helps some, fantastic, and since its cheap and easy - everyone should absolutely be doing it regularly anyway (every other mammal gets parasite treatments, why not people?) - but best not to assume its a cure-all.
(would be nice to have that Rife wave machine to vibrate away the cancer, but dont know who can make one or have money to have it made, so....but it seems also like it should be pretty effective for most people).
I know you said you tried fasting and carnivore diet but couldn't due to "side effects",
But I'm wondering if you also eliminated sugar when eating food?
Have you tried Iodine? I've read that Iodine really helps eliminate cancer by providing the necessary nutrients for your body as well as helps with your stomach issues like acid reflux.
I am taking that, a small drop of Lugols 5% iodine with a tablespoon of black strap molasses before breakfast. Cancer loves sugar so it gathers the mollasses unto itself but too late, the iodine mixed in with it helps to kill the Pink Robots.
Interesting, never heard of that method. I've been doing the 4oz water with 5% Lugols in it, only one drop so far because I haven't been taking the companions (Selenium, ATP Co-Factors, etc). But I stopped for a while because I keep forgetting to take it due to my busy schedule.
When things settle down, I will resume. Same for my wife, who needs it more than I do. She suffers from muscle pain/cramps/stiffness among other symptoms and after 2 weeks of taking Iodine, her symptoms got better (she's able to move around more, felt more energized, her muscles felt better and she's able to move freely with less restrictions), but like me, her schedule got busy and she stopped taking it.
Muscle cramps can be caused by a lack of magnesium. Often accompanied by visual migraine.