Riggs99 4 points ago +4 / -0

Good article. The amount of vectors of attack this thing has keeps growing, in this case not only suppressing the gene that would try to kill viruses, but also upregulating the gene that intentionally tells the body to ignore this type of pathogen..

Lines up with all the other studies showing around 5 months the curve of 'protection' turns negative and the shot increases risk and severity of Covid over time. (some studies show sooner even after 2-3 months but 5 seems to be the average)

By 5 months however people who got the 3rd shot essentially have very little immune system left, and will get hammered by any cancer or disease or virus that comes their way, developing any of numerous auto-immune diseases, along with getting sick with covid multiple times 'mysteriously' - hence the explosion worldwide of all cause mortality deaths of 15-40% in every single country measured. And because it is altering genes, those numbers will just keep increasing even if people decide to get no more shots.

Riggs99 6 points ago +6 / -0

Well known to a small group long ago, that get written off as crazies by normie media etc. Now its being introduced by the now second most polarizing figure with 120 million twitter followers, and forces media to try and deal with it somehow.

Reach is massive, and so is the smear campaigns, however its infinitely harder to shut down a billionaire with that reach and no fucks to give.(and his own satellite network if needed)

Riggs99 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, and the problem is when people dont even look at the official lists(from the FBI no less Kek) of symbols to at least have a base knowledge - it makes everyone look crazy because of over-reactions.

There are a lot of symbols used for a lot of things, but people need to do enough research to back it up rather than just saying everything is a symbol.

Riggs99 1 point ago +1 / -0

True. Guess it depends on the owners, but infinite resources can corrupt almost anything

Riggs99 11 points ago +12 / -1

More consoldation is not what is needed. Multiple platforms not all owned together.

Even if Musk is doing good things today, maybe that will change. Maybe he gets assassinated like he said. Someone else will be in charge at some point and it can easily flip back to being a DS company all over again. It could bring a lot more attention and monetization to Substack...but we are where we are in part because a few companies own all the platforms.

Riggs99 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sorry. It was mostly there was a hunch of comments of people not sure who they were so I just looked it up and posted there.

Riggs99 5 points ago +5 / -0


Getting pretty surprised Obama's brother hasnt had a fatal car crash already. With all the shit he has tweeted in the last year....

Riggs99 5 points ago +5 / -0

It seemed like a very broad name. Their website indicates its a non-profit formed just in 2021, focused on health integrity - and seem to be completely focused on jab truth and partnering with groups worldwide.

So ending the jabs seems pretty much like one of their main mandates - but they have no official power.

Riggs99 11 points ago +11 / -0

A heart is a very common health symbol. The pedo one is the double heart.

Riggs99 4 points ago +4 / -0

Professional whitewasher on the case. SBF wasnot even charged with anything relating to money laundering funds through Ukraine to Dems either.

Even if he goes to jail all the people and groups who actually set up the grift will walk free.

Riggs99 4 points ago +4 / -0

When average citizens ask the question it is 'conspiracy theory', when a mega billionaire who just revealed multiple state crimes on Twitter asks....maybe a lot more people are going to notice and also ask some harder questions.

Riggs99 2 points ago +2 / -0

They can. However it aeems that all radiation is essentially traceable. Each reactor has a slightly different 'fingerprint' of elements. For instance they can trace what radiation in the ocean comes from 50s bomb tests and which is from Fukushima say.

So faking it would reveal the source of the bomb too.

Riggs99 5 points ago +5 / -0

Indeed. Its been bombarded at people for 100 years (at least in terms of visual mediums) with non stop fear and what 'people need to do to be safe/their part'.

People have been programmed since birth to be afraid and do what they are told.

This is why it is so hard for most, or impossible for many to change or even accept bsdic facts when confronted with them. They have a worldview and hard wiring fighting against it without even realizing ut.

Riggs99 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nuclear fallout/accudent would potentially trigger NATO officially joining in. They wanted WW3 however they can get it. Not saying the site doesnt have other secrets but that alone is a big incentive. Russia even built or started building a pritective dome to block shelling to try and stop that.

Riggs99 2 points ago +2 / -0

This site needs more Bill Cooper....

Another huge resource that gets missed in the daily post rollover.

Riggs99 1 point ago +1 / -0

There have been increasing amounts of posts over recent months of less and less fact checking and looking at the source and just hyper-reactive posts that turn out to be 'well someone said it'. Or just screenshots of some kind of explosive statement with no source link, no timestamp, and no way to check if its real.

Obviously Steven Kirsch is on point on everything (which is why he got banned), but if it was months ago and not even the FDA saying it - its reactive posts like these - than people then pile on to - that make it easier for outside groups to make the movement look bad.

Riggs99 4 points ago +4 / -0

Mostly, the Hungary /Poland thing may be pretty on point though.

There has been chatter about them wanting to carve off land that was taken of theirs in recent decades that was 'theirs' for centuries (kingdoms and empires fluctuate on size all the time, but chunks of western Ukraine have only been so for a relatively short period of time)

With the EU fracturing, NATO all confused and scattered, 2023 will be a perfect time to gobble up some land to settle some scores while everyone is busy saying 'no serious ...THIS time Russia is out of men and supplies) while half the country gets attacked even harder soon.

Riggs99 6 points ago +6 / -0

Millions of people who never used to be 'anti-vaxxers' are now 'Never in a millions years' anti-vaxxers.

Amd maybe this will be the spark that takes thw whole industry down...unless they kill everyone first.

Riggs99 4 points ago +6 / -2

Exactly. How many kids grew up wanting to become witches amd wizards because of this series? How many became Satanic?

The left is eating its own. Let them. She is a billionaire she can take care of herself

Riggs99 6 points ago +6 / -0

"Yeah it totally wasnt us really dont look at all those Americam oatents on the parts of the virus and vaxx going back to 2015 (and apparently 2005 or so)"

Riggs99 5 points ago +5 / -0

Opps. The article didnt seem to didnt seem to say anything about an actual ruling just the reporters opinion. Should have dug more was rushing....

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