Maybe in part… But if you read the short article, these levels had Dramatically Increased well Before that, and he explains How.. The WHY seems to be Becoming more and more apparent …
I read the article. Interesting observations there. It just makes me wonder if they rolled out the fog because it had something more combustible than the usual. Every one who noticed the fog in their area maybe ought to see what their insurance dropped in the last 6 months.
...remember M-80's, bad ass firecracker. composed of ' flash powder ' - Normally, flash powder mixtures are compounded to achieve a particular purpose. These mixtures range from extremely fast-burning mixtures designed to produce a maximum audio report, to mixtures designed to burn slowly and provide large amounts of illumination, to mixtures that were formerly used in photography.
Did the strange fog have anything to do with going scorched earth?
Maybe in part… But if you read the short article, these levels had Dramatically Increased well Before that, and he explains How.. The WHY seems to be Becoming more and more apparent …
Remember that train of fertilizer that had the fertilizer just go missing? I wonder what kind of fertilizer it really was?
Why that is an interesting development. Good job.
I read the article. Interesting observations there. It just makes me wonder if they rolled out the fog because it had something more combustible than the usual. Every one who noticed the fog in their area maybe ought to see what their insurance dropped in the last 6 months.
I wrote about the fog on this site and was practically mauled for doing so. Now everyone’s talking about it like it’s a fact.
This was posted a few days ago here... Lost the tread have the twitter link.
Like a "turbo" white phosphorus : Fire explosions seem related to this article.
I bet another Fren will have the GA link right quick. Thanks Frens!
Kinda makes one wonder how it got there ...
Not new, not caused by aluminum dust or barium dust
I've seen this information before. I hope we can mitigate the environmental damage from the spraying of aluminum and barium for decades.
...remember M-80's, bad ass firecracker. composed of ' flash powder ' - Normally, flash powder mixtures are compounded to achieve a particular purpose. These mixtures range from extremely fast-burning mixtures designed to produce a maximum audio report, to mixtures designed to burn slowly and provide large amounts of illumination, to mixtures that were formerly used in photography.