Just be aware. This post is a rant. It's not targetting specific users, and it's not complaining about mods. It's about a general behavior and mentality that GAW seems to be displaying. But I wonder. Is GAW now above self-criticism?
NEW: Oprah Winfrey announces plans to leave America before January 20, stating "I can't live here for the next four years.' - NO, No You Can’t
Zero sauce for this story.
"Resist the Mainstream": zero sauce
"Patriot Truths" (one month ago): zero sauce
"UK Discoverer" (yesterday): zero sauce, but "announcing her unexpected departure from the United States following her appearance on The View"
Facebook post promoting the UK Discoverer
Yeah, sure. Zero sauce, zero coverage by propaganda media.
Do you think Winfrey actually announcing this in ANY legit way would NOT be covered left right and center by the Propaganda Media, which is all about sensationalist news, etc?
My, oh, my. When did GAW become so addicted to clickbait, frogs?
The post (https://greatawakening.win/p/19A1LZUALM/new-oprah-winfrey-announces-plan/c/) gets 171 upvotes in 4 hours. 70 comments and still counting.
And yet not even ONE comment seeking to see where the story originates from, if there is any validity to the report, if there is any foundation to the story, or any details (even if it was in some way legit).
Instead, a parade of 70 comments all just wetting their pants, berating Winfrey, taking the opportunity to just spew out emotional reaction.
What is a scarecrow? It's clickbait for .... birds.
If someone put a scarecrow of Biden on your front lawn, dressed it in Woke clothing and iconography, would you then spend time each day abusing the scarecrow? Shouting abuse at it, telling it how it's going to burn, how it's going to GITMO, etc? Acting as if the scarecrow is in fact real?
This is the antithesis of thinking that the Q movement triggered and inspired.
How can GAW, supposedly a Q research website, spend so much manpower, manhours, effort, engaging with a FAKE story that is clearly clickbait - if one spends even a few minutes researching - heck, even looking - on the web to find out if there is ANY foundation to the story?
Here is where the story apparently first emerged:
Take a look. Lot's of clickbait redflags.
Grandiose name. Very Tabloidy stories. Rudimentary Wordpress-type layout. 'Terms and Conditions' very reminiscent of THePeople'sVoice-type setup. Privacy Policy. But.... no ads. So is it really clickbait? Or is it disinformation operation disguised as some sort of alt-media? Inject chaos, interrupt flow of real information?
It's about time that Frogs realized that, for us, a far, far worse a problem than the Mainstream Propaganda complex, there is a vast, broad highly active disinformation/clickbait/fakenews/controlled opposition complex operating in the Alt-Media space.
If you wouldn't stick a poisonous Vax in your body, why should you let fake, false and toxic information enter your mind?
This doesn't happen on its own. Firstly, someone has to post this story on GAW. Did they do ANY effort to check, verify or even mentally VET the story before posting?
Next, we ourselves need to engage with it. Read the headline, apply ZERO effort to discern, vet or verify the story, it's origin, or veracity. Instead, a significant number of frogs need to engage with the post in a certain way, without any effort or apparent concern for actual Truth.
This collective effort then generates a monster, a stupid post that is clearly of highly dubious origins and almost certainly 100% clickbait, that more and more frogs pile on, reacting, engaging based simply on how much they despise Winfrey, regardless of whether there is any truth in the content or not.
This is not about calling out any individual (although personally, I think many of us need to really ask the question, how responsibly do I engage with GAW, and am I an asset, or a problem?) This is about GAW self-criticism.
If we're in an information war, do you seriously think that the Enemy has ANY concerns about GAW as a unit? Or are they simply laughing their heads off, watching a collective of wannabes rage and shout at a scarecrow that one of them actually sticks on their own front lawn?
Rhetorical Question. I think most of us know the answer. We're not THAT stupid that we don't realize this. The question is, what will ti take to bring a halt to this sort of culture here? At GAW? It cannot be about the mods. Unless there are mods actually promoting this sort of behavior.
Nope, it's about us, as a community. Collective responsibility starts with.... Me.
Hey, but have a fun 2025, ok?
Hell the MODS sticky stories without a lick of receipts
What about that story about the official who claimed all those Arsonists yet after all those hours not even 1 confirmation
To be honest, this happens rarely, but yeah, occasionally it does. So what's your reaction? Do you either get your head down and Do the research for us, or do you just complain about it? Considering that you have about a dozen posts over the past year, what should people assume?
Catsfive, lets be real here, all these things are true. Moderators should not be stickying unsourced content. Users should not be posting unsourced content. And anyone who finds unsourced content that is posted would be helping the situation by finding and posting a source themselves.
I respectfully disagree. Stickying something doesn't convey "THIS IS TRUE." Sometimes I sticky something to expose it to the rotating, car-crushing jaws that is this research board. This is why the RESEARCH WANTED flair will always, always, always exist.
A sticky really feels like an endorsement of whatever the post is saying. It is disheartening to see unsourced content on this board which is easily disproved by even a tiny bit of research that has been highly upvoted, stickied, or both. This happens all the time, I do wish we had higher standards for what gets posted here.
I understand this reasoning, and I do not think it is without merit. This exact point was clarified to me by our M-team on a number of occasions, way back when.
On the other had, often a sticky seems to actually increase acceptance of content, and now and then, a certain stickied post will have some of us thinking "what is that mod thinking???"
On the idea of creating a standardized framework for what qualifies posts for being stickied
I still hope that at some point in time, a collective of high effort frogs might draft and submit to the mod team, a blueprint or rubric for "stickying of posts".
Sometimes I wonder why or which mod stickied X post. Sometimes it seems very shoot from the hip, and I wonder if having some sort of established set of criteria for what is and isn't stickied mightn't be an asset to the mod team.
Hey, certainly not mod grieving here. Rather, the opposite. I feel like our mod team are probably overworked, and wider frog effort could be engaged to help improve the board culture at minimal Mod effort (expense).
Anyway, random thoughts.
Dont be mad at me because of your errors...lol a dozen posts.
That's a lot of nonsense for someone with your username, buddy 👆