160 Labour Pedos, 50 of them. Wanna bet there are a lot more? Of course there is, it will be endemic. (twitter.com) posted 1 months ago by Joys1Daughter 1 months ago by Joys1Daughter +160 / -0 31 comments share 31 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I would recommend Elon focus on the United States. Plenty on his plate between SpaceX and doge.
Nah, Elon has a ax to grid with the UK. He is a guenius and can handle many tasks at one time. The man is like Trump does not sleep much.
I am all about America first. Our country is hanging by threads, I would rather they focus on it first.
The problem is World Wide.
If you want to eradicate the enemy, which has infected, infiltrated and destroyed the US -
Do you simply get them out of the US? Or do you eradicate them World Wide so they can't come back?
If ants infest your home - do you simply kill the ants inside your home? Or do you track them back to the nest and destroy the nest?
Killing the fruit, will not address the root.