I don't listen to prophets normally especially the ones with daily or weekly "words from the Lord" types as I think they are mainly grifters. This is not one of those and he has made many that came true and a few not yet happened for WWIII. Listen to the video at 1.5 speed. Slow talker.
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Just because someone can say something that comes true, it does not make them a prophet. There are many more criteria to be fulfilled, and they are all given through the Bible for us to distinguish between a true and a false prophet. Why? What does the Bible say about the emergence of false prophets?
And how exactly does the Bible allow us to filter a true prophet from a false prophet?
Albert Pike, founder and leader of modern-day Freemasonry, has this to say in his book "Morals and Dogma", the de-facto guidebook of masonry:
He defines that light, which they worship, as the Devil:
So, why mention Albert Pike? Well, he had some very interesting things to say in three supposed letters written to Italian politician Giuseppe Mazzini, 1871:
This came true. The political alliances of England on one side, and Germany on the other, forged between 1871 and 1898 by Otto von Bismarck, co-conspirator of Albert Pike, were instrumental in bringing about the First World War. This conspiracy reaches the highest levels of governments around the world.
This came true. Nazism and Zionism were not publicly known terms in 1871, but both movements were created by the Weishaupt Illuminati, co-conspirators of Masonry who first coined the word communism, and its ideology, four years prior to its teaching. After WWII, at the Potsdam Conference with Truman, Churchill, and Stalin, a large portion of Europe was simply handed over to Communist Russia, while the aftermath of the war with Japan swept the tide of Communism into China.
And everything is gearing up for this, too, to come true. Does that make him a prophet?
In addition to the prophecy coming true, the true prophet must meet each and every one of these conditions as described in the Bible:
And what is the response to such prophets as Pike, to those who do not meet these criteria, yet appear to make predictions that just-so-happen to come true?
So what you are saying is “ I decided “ that God would never use people today like he did in WWIi or during the days of Moses and Elijah? There are prophets today carrying the message. If God is the same yesterday today and tomorrow why would He change His methods of communication to the masses? Julie Green of Julie Green Ministries (Rumble) , Robin Bullock, Hank Kunneman, Kim Clement to name a few. Isn’t it better to look for His sources today for the comfort and information they provide?
Its very clear in the bible that there will be many false prophets and to test them. If they get any main prediction wrong, they are not of God. All these that you listed have given so many predictions that they are bound to get some correct but the vast majority were wrong so that is how I decide who to listen to. I follow the advice of Jesus.
Thank you for posting this; I am happy to learn about this prophet as well as hearing about the YT channel.
Parts of this appear to mesh well with Kim Clement's words about Russia as well.