Just watched this documentary on Netflix in regards to Q posts and proofs. They tried to disprove that Q is fake by manipulating the time stamps to match a Q proof such as Trump posting +++ just minutes after Q had posted. They conveniently left out the tippy top Q proof & many others. The soy leftists claiming that the far right have stolen their anon identity. What a laugh
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Probably commissioned by the Obasturds. They should stick to what they know, child porn like Cuties.
I'm clearly retarded. Thought the text I'd written would show in the post, anyways..
Anyone else seen this doco on Netflix on a bunch of leftist soys who claim to be the original anons before the supposid far right claimed the status... they're trying to disprove Q posts by saying Q manipulated the time stamps to match trumps twitter posts... They didn't wanna touch the tippy top Q proof. Bunch of cope.. NCSWIC
(is this site running like shit for anyone else?)
Why would they bother to try to argue against timestamp correlations between Q posts and Trump tweets? Wouldn't they want to tie Trump to Q, since in their minds "Qanon" is a scary boogeyman?