33 Now wouldn't a widespread fire make this a little more attainable? Could it be why ole' Newscum seems so happy.... Just thinking out loud.... (www.planning.org) posted 70 days ago by FreedomPatriot 70 days ago by FreedomPatriot +33 / -0 Meet the 15-Minute City’s Cousin: The 20-Minute Suburb The new concept swaps suburban sprawl for zoning reform, housing affordability, and sustainable transportation. 5 comments share 5 comments share save hide report block hide replies
It was painful reading that Crimes Against Humanity propaganda. Globalism needs to be exterminated from the top demon down to the moronic peon following orders.
And just a little more reading for you "entertainment".... https://ita.lacity.gov/about/strategic-plan
And this
Everything they do creates the ability to restrict our movements
fires are a great way to get big fat federal aid packages to leach off of