You certainly have problems. For starters sticking to the topic w/o shooting your mouth off. Do you ever give your brain a chance when you finally stop to breathe? You must be fun at parties. You wind up quick and get rotated for hours. The topic was did you watch the whole thing and read the caption? I made no mention of lithium or meters starting fires. I feel a little embarrassed for you.
I feel so sorry for your patents as they must have dropped you because apparently you didnt read the part of where i stated ... i didnt bother watxhing due to the fact is propaganda... Next??? As for attacking my character... i have given you 2 addys where i can be located.... handle this like the old times, if you wish! Either way.... leave me the fuck alone or MAN up.... i dont give a shit really....
You certainly have problems. For starters sticking to the topic w/o shooting your mouth off. Do you ever give your brain a chance when you finally stop to breathe? You must be fun at parties. You wind up quick and get rotated for hours. The topic was did you watch the whole thing and read the caption? I made no mention of lithium or meters starting fires. I feel a little embarrassed for you.
I feel so sorry for your patents as they must have dropped you because apparently you didnt read the part of where i stated ... i didnt bother watxhing due to the fact is propaganda... Next??? As for attacking my character... i have given you 2 addys where i can be located.... handle this like the old times, if you wish! Either way.... leave me the fuck alone or MAN up.... i dont give a shit really....
Cope harder