posted ago by Death_Metal_Patriot ago by Death_Metal_Patriot +70 / -0

So, it turns out that before WW2, there was a significant population in the Jewish community who believed it was a grave moral sin to return to Israel before the coming of the Messiah. Since they do not accept Jesus as the Messiah, that means the Messiah hasn't come yet. Sure enough, the majority of the Jewish population that was staunchly opposed to returning to Israel prematurely ended up getting purged during the Holocaust. Without those dissenting voices, and the recent shock of the Holocaust in recent memory, this meant there was basically all-but-complete unity within the Jewish community regarding the establishment of Israel after WW2.

This has always rubbed me the wrong way ever since I realized it. Something about it seems almost too convenient. Has anyone else noticed? I invite anyone and everyone to dig into this.