Another move to drain the swamp. No more cush government jobs that pays you to sit on your butt at home. The "work from home" was one of the biggest lies spread during the pandemic, and it is killing our economy. The liberals and the lazy (which go hand in hand) will protest about this, but I see this as an absolute win.
Link to the article:
Wrong - you think a lawyer needs to be in an inner city office to render legal advice over email and do video conferences with clients?
Every lawyer I've met had an actual office. They also go to court, and wear a suit and tie. Also, a lot of work lawyers do is BS. Seriously, a good portion of our politicians happen to be lawyers. They make complicated laws, then require that only people who graduate from special schools are allowed to help other people understand those laws. 85% of what lawyers do does not need to exist. It is such an obvious grift. You ever notice who always makes out in court cases? Lawyers. Your client goes to jail? That's OK, you still get paid. A company harms a bunch of people and gets sued in a class action? The Lawyers (on both sides) walk away with millions. Leaches on society.