ABSOLUTELY! I have been in the "TRUST" camp, not just because of Q but because it makes sense. IT takes major strength to play the "bad guy" for the common good.
Bro, Chris Miller thanked him for his personal courage through some of the most complex military operations every conducted. Chris was Secretary of Defense at the time?
It's still a bit of hope. I bet that Chris has a better point to judge from than you. That is the only reason I hold any hope.
ABSOLUTELY! I have been in the "TRUST" camp, not just because of Q but because it makes sense. IT takes major strength to play the "bad guy" for the common good.
I still hold out hope for Mike Pence.
YIKES!!! Minimum is a poop packer and worst a pedo.
Bro, Chris Miller thanked him for his personal courage through some of the most complex military operations every conducted. Chris was Secretary of Defense at the time?
It's still a bit of hope. I bet that Chris has a better point to judge from than you. That is the only reason I hold any hope.