Been watching a bit of Matt Kim. Good stuff! They aren’t afraid to criticize DJT or many other kryptonite topics, so that might turn some off. However, they do so in a reasonably thought out way and it is not malicious, to me anyway….others’ mileage may vary.
There is more to this than one can see on the surface. I believe the cabal gifts the DARPA tech they develop to cabal offspring. LifeLog is Fakebook and Zuckerfuck is a Roth. I have no sauce on Bezos, however to create one of the largest distribution systems on the planet in a heartbeat, seems more like he was gifted tech.
Pepe Farms remembers.
Been watching a bit of Matt Kim. Good stuff! They aren’t afraid to criticize DJT or many other kryptonite topics, so that might turn some off. However, they do so in a reasonably thought out way and it is not malicious, to me anyway….others’ mileage may vary.
Good thing they signed a nuclear treaty and everything tho right? RIGHT?
There is more to this than one can see on the surface. I believe the cabal gifts the DARPA tech they develop to cabal offspring. LifeLog is Fakebook and Zuckerfuck is a Roth. I have no sauce on Bezos, however to create one of the largest distribution systems on the planet in a heartbeat, seems more like he was gifted tech.
Google search missing uranium , Philadelphia, Israel
Humble beginnings? SHILL
u/Goldfoil - 100%
Tell me you know nothing of the topic without saying you know nothing of the topic:
"Bill Gates famously began from humble beginnings"
Read up on that and it will show you the same pattern used over and over again that matches with the Bezos story.