❤️🔥 𝓓𝓪𝓻 ❤️🔥@DameScorpio
KAMALA is being a nasty bitch to the bitter end. 👇 😡
“Kamala Harris Refused Vance Family Access to Vice President’s Residence” 👇
“As Vice President-elect JD Vance and his family prepare to move into the Vice President’s residence, they’ve encountered an unexpected roadblock: Kamala Harris. Apparently, Harris has declined to host a customary pre-move walkthrough or even a formal sit-down with Vance and his wife, Usha. The residence is typically handed off with professionalism and grace — two qualities seemingly absent in this case. “When JD Vance, his wife Usha, and their three young children move into the Naval Observatory residence on Jan. 20, it will be their first time inside the white Queen Anne-style mansion that has been home to vice presidents since the 1970s,” reports CBS News. “Vice President Kamala Harris has not extended an invitation for a formal sit-down or tour, multiple Democratic and Republican sources told CBS News.” Harris’s team has claimed her focus on California wildfires as the reason for not accommodating the Vances. It doesn’t take a genius to see that her refusal is less about pressing duties and more about bitterness over the 2024 election results. Her actions here are as transparent as they are petty, showcasing a chilly indifference toward a family with three young children. Snubbing the Vances in this way is a fittingly graceless finale to Harris’s catastrophic tenure as vice president — a tenure defined by ineffectiveness, immaturity, and missed opportunities.”
LIKE anyone with young children, the Vance’s were hoping for a tour of their new home for the next 4 years. Checking out the bedrooms for the kids, childproofing and preparation for their move in on January 20th. For Kamala to deny them this tradition, is a bitch move.
Don't jump to conclusions: Maybe it's a caste thing.