The best way to do it is to pay cash. Be prepared to always pay cash. If you have to use the iPad hit no tip. No matter what if you decide to tip because of good service always use cash. I explained that we never put tips on our bill but we give our server cash. Then it is her choice to either share the tip or not. Waitresses especially do not make a full hourly wage and they take all the crap from the customers. They are the ones who deserve the tip and they deserve not to have to claim it
Servers are also taxed on the assumption that they collected %10 tips on their sales. So if you leave no tip at all they still pay income taxes on %10 of your sale. Many do not realize that.
I don't think so. That's how they calculate the federal tax. If you do not claim the proper amount they put extra tax on for "allocated" tips. I've seen it happen but not in a long time. Most restaurants have pos systems that calculate estimated cash tips. You can under claim at mom and pop places but won't get away with that at the corporate places.
It's federal I believe. When I was waitressing long ago - early 80's - they started that crap with tips. You had to add up your tickets at the end of every shift and record 10% ( or whatever the % was then) as tip income. You had zero option.
The best way to do it is to pay cash. Be prepared to always pay cash. If you have to use the iPad hit no tip. No matter what if you decide to tip because of good service always use cash. I explained that we never put tips on our bill but we give our server cash. Then it is her choice to either share the tip or not. Waitresses especially do not make a full hourly wage and they take all the crap from the customers. They are the ones who deserve the tip and they deserve not to have to claim it
Servers are also taxed on the assumption that they collected %10 tips on their sales. So if you leave no tip at all they still pay income taxes on %10 of your sale. Many do not realize that.
Just another reason they should hate the government.
This is not the customer's problem.
No, it is not the customers problem. I was not complaining about the system. Just explaining it.
Very true.
This varies by state…no?
I don't think so. That's how they calculate the federal tax. If you do not claim the proper amount they put extra tax on for "allocated" tips. I've seen it happen but not in a long time. Most restaurants have pos systems that calculate estimated cash tips. You can under claim at mom and pop places but won't get away with that at the corporate places.
It's federal I believe. When I was waitressing long ago - early 80's - they started that crap with tips. You had to add up your tickets at the end of every shift and record 10% ( or whatever the % was then) as tip income. You had zero option.
California waitresses make $17/h. They already get a livable wage yet still expects you to hand them over a 25% cut from your total bill.
I love it when the bring me enough singles to tip a stripper…hoping I’ll give them one some.