EO 13961 seems to be part of the COG or Devolution and established what can be called as a "Babysitter" to watch over during the Pause.
The Babysitter is established in the Sec 3 of this EO "Federal Mission Resilience Executive Committee" and consists of such big names as:
Members of the Executive Committee
Secretary of Defense: Christopher Miller
Secretary of Homeland Security: Chad Wolf
Director of National Intelligence: John Ratcliffe
in addition to:
Robert O’Brien
Tony Ornato
Russell Vought
Kevin Droegemeir
So Biden is revoking the Babysitter assigned to watch over him, now that Daddy is back!
Sections revoked:
Section 1. Policy. It is the policy of the United States to maintain comprehensive and effective continuity programs that ensure national security and the preservation of government structure under the United States Constitution and in alignment with Presidential Policy Directive-40 (PPD-40) of July 15, 2016 (National Continuity Policy). Executive departments and agencies (agencies), including the Executive Office of the President, must maintain the capability and capacity to continuously perform National Essential Functions (NEFs), as defined by PPD-40, regardless of threat or condition, and with the understanding that adequate warning may not be available. Agency heads must fully integrate preparedness programs, including continuity and risk management, into day-to-day operations to ensure the preservation of the NEFs under all conditions.
Sec. 3. Executive Committee. (a) The Federal Mission Resilience Executive Committee (Executive Committee) is hereby established.
Sec. 4. Implementation.
Sec. 5. Amendment to PPD-40. To designate a new National Continuity Coordinator (NCC)
Sec. 7. Program Support. The national security and emergency preparedness Executive Committee Joint Program Office established by section 4 of Executive Order 13618 shall support the Executive Committee established in section 3 of this order, the execution of activities described in section 4 of this order, and those activities taken by the Director of OSTP pursuant to section 6 of this order.
Executive Order from January 19, 2025. Here's a summary of the key changes:
Main Changes Made
Revoked Sections:
Sections 1, 3, 4, 5, and 7 of Executive Order 13961 are revoked
Sections 2, 6, and 8 are renumbered to become Sections 1, 2, and 3 respectively
Text Amendments:
In the newly renumbered Section 1:
Changed from "To achieve this policy, in conjunction" to just "In conjunction"
In the newly renumbered Section 2(b):
Replaced reference to "the Executive Committee established in section 3 of this order" with "the Restricted Principals Committee described in section 3 of the National Security Memorandum of January 19, 2025 (National Continuity Policy)"
This appears to be a partial revocation of Executive Order 13961, which was originally issued on December 7, 2020, regarding Federal Mission Resilience governance and integration.
Source: Executive Order on the Partial Revocation of Executive Order 13961, White House, January 19, 2025.
EO 13961 seems to be part of the COG or Devolution and established what can be called as a "Babysitter" to watch over during the Pause.
The Babysitter is established in the Sec 3 of this EO "Federal Mission Resilience Executive Committee" and consists of such big names as:
in addition to:
So Biden is revoking the Babysitter assigned to watch over him, now that Daddy is back!
Sections revoked:
Jon Herold and Badlands Media are validated heavily by this, good on them.
Any explanation on the reasoning?
Seems like end of devolution
An AI Summery:
Executive Order from January 19, 2025. Here's a summary of the key changes:
Main Changes Made
This appears to be a partial revocation of Executive Order 13961, which was originally issued on December 7, 2020, regarding Federal Mission Resilience governance and integration.
Source: Executive Order on the Partial Revocation of Executive Order 13961, White House, January 19, 2025.