170 I hacked Liz Cheney's webcam and wow—she is definitely not enjoying Trump Inauguration Eve! (media.patriots.win) 🍿 POPCORN 🍿 posted 33 days ago by catsfive 33 days ago by catsfive +170 / -0 11 comments share 11 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Ahaha, get this to/RISING!
That's the Actress who's playing Liz. That's why she looks better than Liz! 😸
The risk of seeing something that would cause irreversible damage is too great for someone to risk hacking her webcam.
They got lucky... this time. kek
I liked this one. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/vuJTwl67j1Q
dank doot!
Piggy Fit
They aren't sleeping tonight.
LOL That's great!
These preemptive pardons won't do them but so much good. They are only for federal offenses. And don't deal with civil lawsuits.