Surprise announcement by DJT
🏆 - WINNING - 🏆
All of it was welcome to hear, but I was genuinely surprised by the announcement he was going to send a man to Mars! :D
And that was literally 2 seconds after me saying to my wife 'this is all great, but I want to hear about something I wasn't expecting' :)
Its the same play book we had with Kennedy.
The world & economy was in chaos and Kennedy needed a reason to unite the populace towards a common mission (going to the moon).
This is kinda sad actually. The problems we have don't get fixed by distracting people with uniting to race to mars.
We need to drain the criminals and stay focused on that! Distracting the people against the crimes against humanity with a stupid mars mission is not going to satisfy me.
If he plans on sending all the traitors to mars then I am onboard but that is doubtful.
Something I think you will find interesting about Geopolitics and Christianity.
Around 30m mark covers what I think you should watch.
We are in interesting times and are at a cusp with Unilateral super powers rising up.