posted ago by purkiss80 ago by purkiss80 +200 / -0

"Putin and his representatives have been adamant since 2022, that they want justice for Covid and bioweapon production in Ukraine. They have been repeatedly seeking UN Security Council investigation and enactment of Articles IV and V of the Biological Weapons Convention of 1972. If the US were to stop vetoing these advances, and a UN Security Council investigation confirmed criminality, it would result in an “international military tribunal”, comprised of military judges from multiple nations.

Putin said that he wants military tribunals for those who killed Russian citizens via man-made pathogens made in Ukraine. During the negotiations for the end of the war in Ukraine with Trump, this topic is surely going to come up.

The Biden crime family and Fauci have much bigger problems to worry about. US pardons do not cover international crimes, such as crimes against humanity."
