The More You Know: Guantanamo Bay Naval Base was formerly the site of a YMCA in Cuba. You Didn't Think That Song Was Just a Coincidence, Did You???

I guess it depends on where you live. My daughter and her family belong to a YMCA in a fairly rural area. It's very much a family place, as is the one where I live.
I agree. I'm in a ruralish bedroom community and the Y in our village is nice. Even though I wasn't a member, they let me come take a shower when my hot water tank bit the dust and couldn't get a new one right away.
There's a big county Y complex, almost 180 acres, in the next town over that's really nice.
All kinds of indoor/outdoor stuff, including, Chapel, Climbing Walls, Multi-Purpose Room, Handball and Racquetball Courts, Outdoor Field, Pool, Roller Skating Rink, Ropes Challenge, Soccer, Basketball, a playground, a hiking area, just to name some of the features.
The county Y where I live is very nice, but the ones near you sound amazing!
The big one truly is. We first saw it decades ago when some events from my kid's school were held there. It was jaw-dropping then. They keep adding things, (you can put a lot of stuff on 180 acres and still have room to spare), so it's probably more so, now.
Yep, rural is 'where it's at'!
My daughter lives in a "ruralish" area and the YMCA there is wonderful.