...instead of celebrating all of the wins from yesterday, Trump's speech, the various EOs / press conference, and discussing the net gain for the American people just from one day's worth of activity, Bannon remains in this defensive posture, as though we don't have permission to celebrate the present moment or times to come.
Who would you recommend I listen to today instead? I'm too pumped to listen to War Room today.
listen to the Jefferson Bible on YT.
it's really interesting, and he was beyond genius IQ, so I trust his 'logic'. he pieced together the sayings of Jesus because he felt his message was obfuscated by the regular Bible.
pretty sure he was part of Q. one of the 'seventeens' in his story...
"Jefferson once wrote a friend, "All my wishes end, where I hope my days will end, at Monticello." After seventeen years of retirement, dwelling "in the midst" of his grandchildren, with his books and his farm, Jefferson's days did end at Monticello, on July 4, 1826"
care to explain? is there a reason for these specific verses?
The first block is for self-reflection before deciding to read writings like that of jefferson; if they do not speak in harmony with the entirety of the Bible, then they are devoid of light.
The second block is for reflecting upon the writing itself; if they add or remove even a comma in order to change meaning, and do not allow the Bible to explain the Bible similar to each of these blocks of text, then they are merely speaking fables.
Hearkening back to the first and second blocks, the third block is for reflecting upon the relationship between the reader and the writing; the world is steeped in deception and her agents, and there is safety and surety only in the Word of God, in a simple "Thus Saith the Lord".
The fourth block is for reflecting upon what to do next; rather than follow cunningly devised fables, why not accept this personal invitation from God Himself, Jesus Christ:
For a writing which beautifully and perfectly meets all of the Biblical criteria laid out in all four blocks, that speaks only "to the Law and to the Testimony", that teaches of Him who is "meek and lowly in heart", consider reading The Desire of Ages:
I'm still not sure what your point is??
this is a Q research forum, Thomas Jefferson is Obviously part of Q...
And you're saying we shouldn't be reading his possible 'comms' because the very people he's commenting against are telling us not to?
that isn't logical.
did you read the Q drops? were you at Voat with us?