posted ago by Red_Pill_Pusher_Man ago by Red_Pill_Pusher_Man +76 / -0

I just finished watching Tom Fitton (Judicial Watch) on Bannon's Warroom. His take is that although there have been blanket pardon's without the crimes being listed issued before - Ford's pardon of Nixon, for example - their legality have never been challenged in court. Fitton also says that the timing of the pardons leave it up to Trump's DOJ to deliver on them. This means that the actual pardon that gets put down on paper can be determined by PDJT's team and the timeframe for that to happen is up to them as well. He also says the pardons do not preclude any criminal investigations from occurring and also does not excuse those pardoned from being charged - it would be up to them to present the pardon in court and let the court decide their legality and scope. Even if they were deemed legal, the best that could happen to these people is that their names and crimes be made public, even if they don't face criminal justice for their crimes.

Soon, these people won't be able to walk down the street.

A Fitton tweet from yesterday on subject:
