What an abomination! Whether you are Episcopalian or Roman Catholic or anything else, a woman is forbidden to serve in a role in leadership over a congregation. To further usurp that seat as a means to a political end, whoring yourself after Baal and sexual deviance, is so much worse.
LGBTQ fearing for their lives? HAH! Wrong! They’re just angry because they’re no longer getting their way. They ought to fear for their eternal souls! 🔥 but they do not…..
So glad Trump sat there in defiance, resistance, and will not bow to the LGBTQ movement. 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Any Bishop that is preaching this stuff is preaching the word of man, not the word of God. Churches should not be doing "the current thing" but, sticking with the word of the God and Jesus Christ. They are FAILING God, the church and the people.
Not the “word of man” . . .
To be preaching the word of man, the church is doing more to "keep up with the current humanity social trends" instead of sticking with God's words and will. God is the same today and was yesterday and forever. God does not and has not changed Gods word to his children under the new covenant granted to us and for us through, the blood of Jesus, the Christ. It should be go and sin no more.. and not, my sinful lifestyle is socially accepted because, Jesus loves everyone therefor, my sins do not count in the eyes of God. God has not changed, Man's social acceptance of sins has and it would be Satan that is the puppet master behind the scenes to get God's children to behave that way via "social acceptance" IMO, any Bishop/reverend/priest/pope that encourages it this way, are FAILING God, the church and the people. I do not hate them for it however. It is, in the end, between them and God to judge but, I am not going to quietly go along with it all as they suck more and more of Gods children up with them over the years so, will remind em of it instead. Love the person but, not the sin.
I nominate the black Reverend that prayed at the Inauguration to be the US prayer service director. He only had time to mention 8 states during the Inauguration.
That guy was lit 🔥 Reminded me of “Coming to America” lol
Additionally, my wife laughed her butt off when he finished and the short white man stepped up and said, in his very reserved white man tone, “our eternal Heavenly Father…” the contrast was hilarious but both equally great prayers.
That guy brought life to the stuffy room, didn’t mention anything political, and absolutely had the courage and conviction behind his words.
MSM: “Mr. President, what did you think of the service?”
Translation: Are you going to obey the bishop?
Trump: “What did you think of the service? Not very exciting, was it? I didn’t think it was a very good service.”
Translation: NCSWIC….. your 🏳️🌈 regime has come to an end…..
The majority of Americans voted to end this stupity.
Women cant be bishops and any apostolic lineage is broken with them. Next problem?
C'mon, man. Even God and St. Peter don't let everyone through the Pearly Gates.
Oh... but this kind of "religious" leader isn't really in touch with the Godly, so...
"Tolerance" in America has become nothing more than the "acceptance" of evil.
Time to eradicate that mindset from America.
🎯 🔥
Who does he/she/it think he/she/it is preaching to?
There are no transgender children, only children who are being manipulated, mutilated, and marginalized by the morons who were entrusted with their care.
All of these people are sick! And I am sick of them! This piece of work dares to plead: "In the name of our God!" "I ask you to have mercy on the people of our country who are scared now."
The majority of our nation's workers are NOT illegally here.
The illegals here BROUGHT their children here or birthed them here WHILE being in violation of our immigration laws.
No, all of us were NOT strangers in this land. We were born into the place God placed us - you (sir? ma'am?) need to revisit the history books.
After what has been done to our country, This person has no place asking the person WE voted in to fix the very issues THEY as clergy should have been taking care of and many are guilty of.
It was YOUR job to steer those people away from their lustful desires and those children are innocent - their blood in on your hands, priest whatever you are. (and I don't mean pronouns)
If I commit a crime and my kid is with me, I go to jail... the child goes to foster care, etc. That would be MY fault that we are separated. Sorry. Not Sorry.
Many churches are hanging by a thread. Stop digging.
Consider that dig the deepest and hardest possible. She’s a reprobate and her church is false.