We ho gives a flying fuck. It all means literally nothing. Sick of the repetition.can we focus on anything that matters. This show has gotten gay as fuck.
We need to flood them with this. Every time they make a point that is a lie we need to counter. We can not give them ground. We were not rabid enough last time and they had lies to hide behind to claim a false victory
EXACTLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We ho gives a flying fuck. It all means literally nothing. Sick of the repetition.can we focus on anything that matters. This show has gotten gay as fuck.
It's simply a distraction
True. I was so annoyed. Lol. And just saw the autocorrect to my reply as "We ho" lol
We need to flood them with this. Every time they make a point that is a lie we need to counter. We can not give them ground. We were not rabid enough last time and they had lies to hide behind to claim a false victory