There's another fella looking into the past, My Lunchbreak Channel, who also comments on some of her findings. Basically, both are saying our past history (world-wide) is not what we are taught, and it seems our history was "restarted" between the 17th and 19th century.
Masonry, like all the religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy,
conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the elect, and
uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those
who deserve only to be misled; to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light, from
them and to draw them away from it. - Albert Pike, founder and elder of Freemasonry, in his book, the rule-book of freemasonry, Morals and Dogma
Signs and symbols huh? There is too much evil in plain view to even consider trying to fit everything in one comment, so let us only take a look at some of the esoteric meanings found in 18th and 19th century architecture and the like.
The Great Seal of the United States of America:
As defined on government websites, “The Great Seal of the United States is a
national symbol that represents the country's sovereignty and identity.” But whose “sovereignty and identity” is declared? There are the “ribbons of Jupiter”, the “Eagle of Jupiter”, the “All-Seeing Eye of the Supreme One”. But what about the actual words? What do the founders of secret societies, the architects of the signs and symbols in america, attribute to the words spoken on the seal?
According to Manly Hall, masonic writer of books such as “The Secret Destiny of
America”, “The Secret Teachings of All Ages”, and “The Lost Keys of
Freemasonry”, “e pluribus unum” refers to the ancient Bacchic Rites, which he
says was “a forerunner to Freemasonry.” Mysterious and fantastical, the Bacchic
Rites are built upon the following story line:
In a time before the creation of mankind, the twelve Titans cause Bacchus,
Jupiter’s beautiful son, to become fascinated by his own image in a mirror.
Enthralled by himself, Bacchus is seized by the Titans. They kill him, tear him
to pieces, boil the pieces in water, and afterwards roast and eat them. This
grieves all his loved ones, hence his name, from bakhah, ‘to weep’ or
The Bible shares the origins of this weeping in a story more ancient than that
of Bacchus: “Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the Lord's house
which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz.
(Ezekiel 8:14)”. These people were an abominable people working a work of evil
in the dark, where human eyes would not regularly peer. Despite having an
outward appearance of piety, their heart would lament over some fantastical
mythology written for gods of stone who neither hear nor speak.
The strewn body parts of Bacchus become the four elements of matter. One of
Bacchus’ sisters, the virgin Minerva, rescues his sacred heart from the four
elements and places it before Jupiter in Heaven. From Heaven, Jupiter hurls
thunderbolts at his son’s murderers and reduces the Titans to ashes. The rains
further reduce the ashes, mingling with the four elements, to slime....
Eternal Bacchus is resurrected as the flaming Sun. He is E PLURIBUS UNUM, One from Many, a resurrection symbolized by the pentagram, the one rising out of the four to make five. This, says Manly Hall, is ‘the magical formula of man.’
Let us now look to the back side of the Great Seal. What about “Annuit Coeptis”? What about “Novus Ordo Seclorum”? F. Tupper Saussy, in his book "Rulers of Evil", shares his discovery with us, saying:
The phrase ‘ANNUIT COEPTIS’, which the U.S. Department of State interprets to mean ‘God hath favored this undertaking,’ was spoken by young Julius Ascanius in the Ninth Book of Virgil’s Aeneid, the book describing the mythological ancestry of the Romans. Young Julius said:
‘Almighty Jupiter, favor this rebellious undertaking (AUDACIBUS ADNUE COEPTIS) Each year, I shall bring to thy temple gifts in my own hands, and place a white bullock at thy altar!’”
The esoteric meaning, the meaning meant to only be understood by those who
“deserve to know the truth”, of “ANNUIT COEPTIS”, is therefore “Jupiter hath
favored this undertaking”. Remembering Jupiter’s involvement with the Bacchic
Rite, and that Jupiter is a Roman representation of Satan, the very top of the
Great Seal reads as: “Satan hath favored this undertaking”.
Understanding that the jesuits and their ilk were at the very core of america's founding, a speech by Jesuit political scientist Michael Novak, published in the January 28, 1989 issue of “America”, the weekly magazine of American Jesuits, sums up the esoterics of the "great seal" eloquently enough:
The framers wanted to build a ‘novus ordo’ that would secure ‘liberty and
justice for all’.... The underlying principle of this new order is the fact of
human sin. To build a republic designed for sinners, then, is the indispensable
task.... There is no use building a social system for saints. There are too few
of them. And those there are, are impossible to live with!... Any effective
social system must therefore be designed for the only moral majority there is:
Democracy, A Golden Calf, and the American/Roman Eagle:
Jehu worshiped the golden calf, a sacred Babylonian icon made fashionable in
tenth-century-BC... by Jehu’s predecessor, Jeroboam. Jeroboam renounced ‘the
law of the Lord God of Israel’ [2 Kings 10:31] and instituted... democracy.
Jeroboam would hold elections for the office of priest, even making himself high priest. Using democracy, he would put him and his men in positions of power.
Democracy opened the Israelite priesthood, originally appointed by Yahweh
exclusively to the family of Levi, to all applicants. Consequently, Yahweh’s
priesthood was infiltrated by non-believers and foreign sympathizers. They
prepared the way for Jehu to make of himself a Phrygian freeman, obligated to
concur with obedience of the understanding in all things which his superior,
Shalmaneser II, commanded – exactly as the Black Obelisk explains in lucid
visual terms.... The word ‘calf’ in Hebrew, the language of Jehu and Jeroboam,
is עגל , pronounced ‘ey-gil.’ Whereas Jehu gave his people Shalmaneser’s golden עגל to worship, the Church Militant has trained the American public to worship Rome’s golden eagle, which surmounts every flagpole.
The Apotheosis of Washington:
The word ‘apotheosis’ was then commonly understood by its definition in
Webster’s 1829 Dictionary:
Apotheosis – the act of placing a prince or other distinguished person among
the heathen deities. This honor was often bestowed on illustrious men of Rome,
and followed by the erection of temples, and the institution of sacrifices to
the new deity.
The "Apotheosis of Washington" is painted right on the dome of the United States Capitol Building. What here is hidden in plain sight?
The epicenter of ‘Apotheosis of Washington’ is a solar orb, the Sun-God into
which Augustus Caesar was said to have been absorbed when his body died. From the Capitol’s highest interior point Augustus radiates his golden light outward and downward to the next in the ‘line of Julius,’ the deified George Washington. The god Washington occupies the judgment seat of heaven, sword of Justice firmly clasped in his left hand. Basking in the light of Augustus – Pontifex Maximus – he rules ‘over far territories north and south of the zodiacal stars, the solar way.’ Like his Caesarean forebears, Washington is god, Caesar, father of his Country...
An honest study into the history of america and the character/affiliations of its founders, with an understanding of the history of rome, all filtered through the prophecy and archaeology which prove and affirm the Bible, upholds everything being spoken of as true. Let us continue:
On the right hand of the father sits Minerva, holding the emblem of Roman
totalitarianism, the fasces. Minerva, we recall, was the virgin goddess of the
Sacred Heart – it was she who rescued the heart of the son of god, and placed
it with Jupiter in heaven. She was called ‘Minerva’ when praised for her
justice and wisdom. When praised for her beauty and love, Minerva was known as Venus, the Queen of Heaven. She and Venus were often identified with each
other, just as statues of both were reconsecrated 'Mary' through Roman
Catholic missionary adaptation.
Minerva’s most persistent role in ancient paganism was Dea Benigna, ‘The Mediatrix.’ She heard the prayers of sinful mortals and passed them on to Jupiter, in the same way the Roman Mary is believed to pass Catholic prayers on to Christ.
Completing the circular composition around the solarized Augustus are
thirteen nubile goddesses. These are the original States. They dance
weightlessly in space, supporting a white banner inscribed with the soul of the
Bacchic Gospel, ‘E PLURIBUS UNUM.’ Above the head of each State-goddess floats a magical white pentagram.
Let us not forget about the Phrygian cap worn by Minerva:
Phrygian caps were given to freed Roman slaves to indicate their new liberated
status. Roman law regards liberty as a conditional status. Once granted by a
patron, it could be revoked at any time for cause. Phrygian-cap freedom, then,
means liberty (freed Roman slaves, by the way, were called “liberti”) to please
Caesar....The shackles are psychological, humanely fitted by increasing
varieties of spiritual exercise.
The Phrygian Cap represents freedom in the context of servitude. When looking
at the archaeology of Jehu found in the black obelisk of Shalmaneser III, the cap was a statement of the freedom of Jehu on the condition of his servitude to the king of Assyria. When looking at the Apotheosis of Washington, the cap is a statement of the freedom of America on the condition of its servitude to the aspirations of Rome. American “liberty”, whether represented in the “Statue of Liberty”, or the “Statue of Freedom”, is in actuality the title of Roman “liberti”.
The architecture in Washington, D.C., is full of such signs and symbols, but
let us end with a short description of the top-most section of the Apotheosis
of Washington, revealing part of why america wears the Phrygian cap:
The official version [of the financing of America by Robert Morris, which
saved the revolutionary efforts,] is revealed in Constantino Brumidi’s
‘Apotheosis of Washington.’ Here we see Superintendent Morris gazing up from
his accounts ledger at yet another Roman deity. We recognize the deity from the
familiar caduceus in his right hand, from the winged sandal he’s thrust to
within kissing distance of Morris’ lips, and from the shadowy bag of gold he
tantalizingly dangles in Morris’ face. The deity is Mercury, the Psychopomp,
the Trickster, the patron deity of commerce, deceivers, and thieves. Mercury,
the brilliant, lovable Pied-Piper deity who deceives the souls of sinful
humanity into following him exuberantly down into the oblivion of Hades. Just
as Sebastiano Ricci’s painting subtly established Mercury as the guiding spirit
of modern Roman Catholicism, Brumidi’s painting acknowledges the same deity’s ascendancy over the fulfillment of the American Revolution.
All of this jealous concealment of "hidden history" for what? All of it to remove Jesus Christ from the minds of men. So what should this end up doing? All of this should lead us to ask and seek for the truth, for:
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.
Matthew 7:7, 14, Jeremiah 29:13
And what is Truth?
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
John 14:16
Thou art near, O Lord; and all thy commandments are truth.
Psalm 119:151
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
John 17:17
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
Matthew 11:28-29
long but interesting
At 11:44 the discussion of the Senate seal... reminded me of this from Q: Symbolism will be their downfall.
Interesting (so far), just about 1/4 through the video.
There's another fella looking into the past, My Lunchbreak Channel, who also comments on some of her findings. Basically, both are saying our past history (world-wide) is not what we are taught, and it seems our history was "restarted" between the 17th and 19th century.
Interesting point she brings up. Her jumping around does not make it more acceptable where it concerns her narrative.
I consider this is nice start to research and really dive into history.
Thanks so so much for posting this.
Signs and symbols huh? There is too much evil in plain view to even consider trying to fit everything in one comment, so let us only take a look at some of the esoteric meanings found in 18th and 19th century architecture and the like.
The Great Seal of the United States of America:
According to Manly Hall, masonic writer of books such as “The Secret Destiny of America”, “The Secret Teachings of All Ages”, and “The Lost Keys of Freemasonry”, “e pluribus unum” refers to the ancient Bacchic Rites, which he says was “a forerunner to Freemasonry.” Mysterious and fantastical, the Bacchic Rites are built upon the following story line:
The Bible shares the origins of this weeping in a story more ancient than that of Bacchus: “Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the Lord's house which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz. (Ezekiel 8:14)”. These people were an abominable people working a work of evil in the dark, where human eyes would not regularly peer. Despite having an outward appearance of piety, their heart would lament over some fantastical mythology written for gods of stone who neither hear nor speak.
Let us now look to the back side of the Great Seal. What about “Annuit Coeptis”? What about “Novus Ordo Seclorum”? F. Tupper Saussy, in his book "Rulers of Evil", shares his discovery with us, saying:
The esoteric meaning, the meaning meant to only be understood by those who “deserve to know the truth”, of “ANNUIT COEPTIS”, is therefore “Jupiter hath favored this undertaking”. Remembering Jupiter’s involvement with the Bacchic Rite, and that Jupiter is a Roman representation of Satan, the very top of the Great Seal reads as: “Satan hath favored this undertaking”.
Understanding that the jesuits and their ilk were at the very core of america's founding, a speech by Jesuit political scientist Michael Novak, published in the January 28, 1989 issue of “America”, the weekly magazine of American Jesuits, sums up the esoterics of the "great seal" eloquently enough:
Democracy, A Golden Calf, and the American/Roman Eagle:
Jeroboam would hold elections for the office of priest, even making himself high priest. Using democracy, he would put him and his men in positions of power.
The Apotheosis of Washington: The word ‘apotheosis’ was then commonly understood by its definition in Webster’s 1829 Dictionary:
The "Apotheosis of Washington" is painted right on the dome of the United States Capitol Building. What here is hidden in plain sight?
An honest study into the history of america and the character/affiliations of its founders, with an understanding of the history of rome, all filtered through the prophecy and archaeology which prove and affirm the Bible, upholds everything being spoken of as true. Let us continue:
Minerva’s most persistent role in ancient paganism was Dea Benigna, ‘The Mediatrix.’ She heard the prayers of sinful mortals and passed them on to Jupiter, in the same way the Roman Mary is believed to pass Catholic prayers on to Christ.
Let us not forget about the Phrygian cap worn by Minerva:
The Phrygian Cap represents freedom in the context of servitude. When looking at the archaeology of Jehu found in the black obelisk of Shalmaneser III, the cap was a statement of the freedom of Jehu on the condition of his servitude to the king of Assyria. When looking at the Apotheosis of Washington, the cap is a statement of the freedom of America on the condition of its servitude to the aspirations of Rome. American “liberty”, whether represented in the “Statue of Liberty”, or the “Statue of Freedom”, is in actuality the title of Roman “liberti”.
The architecture in Washington, D.C., is full of such signs and symbols, but let us end with a short description of the top-most section of the Apotheosis of Washington, revealing part of why america wears the Phrygian cap:
All of this jealous concealment of "hidden history" for what? All of it to remove Jesus Christ from the minds of men. So what should this end up doing? All of this should lead us to ask and seek for the truth, for:
And what is Truth?
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14:16
Thou art near, O Lord; and all thy commandments are truth. Psalm 119:151
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. John 17:17
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. Matthew 11:28-29