I'm glad people still think of me. I dropped off for a while, but now that Trump is in office i want to be on the boards to keep track of all the winning.
I'm hoping soon. Technically trump only dropped the requirement for people changing inside the united states from another visa, and not from abroad. So i'm hoping to be able to post good news in the next month or two.
It's been a drag, but god does everything for a reason. I'm only starting to see what he had in mind so we'll see how things play out. Where we go one, we go all.
I'm glad people still think of me. I dropped off for a while, but now that Trump is in office i want to be on the boards to keep track of all the winning.
Hey Fren , can you and family come home now ?
I'm hoping soon. Technically trump only dropped the requirement for people changing inside the united states from another visa, and not from abroad. So i'm hoping to be able to post good news in the next month or two.
Praise God ! Been praying for you and family Fren ! Please let us know as soon as you hear , welcome home is coming !
I think I remembered hearing you still weren’t able to come so I went back to read post and saw u can’t , I’m sorry and what a drag !
It's been a drag, but god does everything for a reason. I'm only starting to see what he had in mind so we'll see how things play out. Where we go one, we go all.