The Illuminati / Hollyweird from previous generations were much more coy and sinister. They set us all up. The 80s and 90s comedy movies were all about making fun of fat people. This started an entire wave of "fat shaming." They created movies for us to laugh at people, then they turn over to their buddies in politics and accuse us of being fat phobic. They made movies that used to call gays faggots and queers, then they passed it onto the audience saying we are anti-LGBT.
Lastly, Hollyweird has had a long history of racism and (literal) white supremacy. Democrat party is basically Hollyweird, and Hollyweird was never subtle about their glorification of whites. Black people always died first in movies, whites always looked better in distasteful ways compared to any other. They made every other minority in movies look ridiculous. They made this for their audiences, then they blamed it on us for being racist, and now they're suddenly anti-white, when they were already guilty of all to begin with.
It's like they hand us a trap, and the masses took it in like gullible sheep, then they say it was all our fault. The level of gaslighting cannot be ignored. It's not our fault.
Also have a propensity for making the black person in a movie/tv-show be the blatant racist, thinking they are being clever(it's consistent...)