Sure if they prove the 2020 election was stolen which makes everything Biden did go away. Also he is not in his right mind they should be able to prove that and that alone will void the pardons. Most of the people he pardoned was not charged with any crime yet and I am pretty sure to pardon someone there has to be specific crimes so that might also be a reason to get rid of the pardons. Last but not least is it actually a signature on those pardons or did they just photo copy his signature. The original ones signed by Biden had better be actual signatures and his signature .
Sure if they prove the 2020 election was stolen which makes everything Biden did go away. Also he is not in his right mind they should be able to prove that and that alone will void the pardons. Most of the people he pardoned was not charged with any crime yet and I am pretty sure to pardon someone there has to be specific crimes so that might also be a reason to get rid of the pardons. Last but not least is it actually a signature on those pardons or did they just photo copy his signature. The original ones signed by Biden had better be actual signatures and his signature .