That is not what the constitution says. That is also not what your linked article(s) say. CONgress doesn't have any oversight over a Presidential pardon, nor does a President have to listen to a DOJ recommendation. The courts do not either. The only thing CONgress can try to do is limit money that could be needed to research for a pardon. POTUS can still pardon for anything Federal - except impeachment. It's black and white. The only way to change it would be a Constitutional Amendment. The Senate has zero authority in the pardon process.
Treason is not pardonable by the President, only by the Senate. Fauci can still be prosecuted for Treason but not for the other crimes.
That is not what the constitution says. That is also not what your linked article(s) say. CONgress doesn't have any oversight over a Presidential pardon, nor does a President have to listen to a DOJ recommendation. The courts do not either. The only thing CONgress can try to do is limit money that could be needed to research for a pardon. POTUS can still pardon for anything Federal - except impeachment. It's black and white. The only way to change it would be a Constitutional Amendment. The Senate has zero authority in the pardon process.