On wednesday morning I went outside at 7:15 am and the fuckers already had three lines sprayed and were working on the 4th. It was in the 20's and yet not even cold weather seems to stop these fuckers from spraying their shit.
...yeah. And it is crazy to me that people think they are all contrails. Contrails disappear may 50feet behind the plane. Chemtrails legit stay up for hours. When I grew up the skies did not look like the marks in a cutting board.
Yup anyone who thinks they're just contrails is either a disinfo plant or truly needs to spent more time outside. The chemtrails around here cover the entire sky in a grayish brown haze.
I had three chemtrails this morning...
omg. arrrrrgh. I'm so sorry.
Let us pray that VERY SOON this sh*t in the skies will E.N.D. forever.
On wednesday morning I went outside at 7:15 am and the fuckers already had three lines sprayed and were working on the 4th. It was in the 20's and yet not even cold weather seems to stop these fuckers from spraying their shit.
...yeah. And it is crazy to me that people think they are all contrails. Contrails disappear may 50feet behind the plane. Chemtrails legit stay up for hours. When I grew up the skies did not look like the marks in a cutting board.
I hate them. I truly hate them.
Yup anyone who thinks they're just contrails is either a disinfo plant or truly needs to spent more time outside. The chemtrails around here cover the entire sky in a grayish brown haze.