Oh, let them begin the Articles of Impeachement and have Speaker Johnson force her to be the one and only spokesperson for this movement while on the House floor. I'd like to see how she babbles he way through a breakdown of charges against Trump and the look on her face when she is laughed off the lecturn because of her inability to cogently construct facts to support her claims. Idiot.
Oh, let them begin the Articles of Impeachement and have Speaker Johnson force her to be the one and only spokesperson for this movement while on the House floor. I'd like to see how she babbles he way through a breakdown of charges against Trump and the look on her face when she is laughed off the lecturn because of her inability to cogently construct facts to support her claims. Idiot.
No worries, I understand she may have acquired a new aid who was recently fired…forget her name…Kammablah or something like that?