I had a Coronary Artery Calcium scan (CAC scan) done in January of 2022. My score was bad, 563, indicating likely significant coronary artery disease. A few months ago, I tried the high dose Vitamin C (4,000 mg/day) and L-Lysine (4,000 mg/day) for four weeks. This therapy had been mentioned on GAW a few times in the past year or so. I had a follow-up CAC scan done on Tuesday, my new score is 698. I'm not too happy. This therapy may have worked for some people, but seems pretty clear it didn't work for me. I also did a round of a lemon juice/garlic elixer earlier in the year. If anyone else has tried the Vit C-Lysine therapy and have results to report, please post here. Thank you. (now I need to figure out what to do with a few bottles of Vitamin C and Lysine; I had planned on doing more rounds of the "therapy" if it had shown ANY positive results. I guess it could be argued "well, just think how high it would have been if you didn't do that therapy!" :) )
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I think the Vit C and Lysine thing is for plaque buildup in the arteries, and is meant to reduce that. Calcium in the artery walls I believe is a different thing. Just my 2 cents. I get a heart nuclear stress treadmill test once a year, along with a cardiac echo. (every year since a serious heart attack in 2014- living on borrowed time here). I do take an injectable (Repatha) which lowers bad cholesterol and has raised my good cholesterol. I recently had these yearly tests (Jan 2), and about 2 months prior I did the Vit C/Lysine thing for a month. I see my cardiologist next week, and am interested to see the results. Over the 10 years my ejection fraction has improved significantly from just below 50% to 59% last year. Yes, I also take rosuvastatin even though there is a lot of controversy around it. Having been at deaths door I really hesitate to quit it.